Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Blocking TAX Hikes - Obama’s Class Warfare

BBC News: Reports that US Senate Republicans have blocked a tax hike move by the Obama Administration. One expects that the Oval understands that this move to tax the rich was not going to pass either the US Senate or the House, the problem with this tax hike, called the Buffett Rule, is the fact that there are never enough rich people to tax, in the end it’s the Middle Class that take the hit, that’s the part the left never admit, and once voters get that tact they can change their views on a dime. Thus this class warfare rubbish might work with the extreme left of the Democratic base, but when voters get the fact they are the next target for tax hikes they vote Republican. It seems that President Obama has missed the lesson of the 1984 election when the Democratic Nominee, former Vice President Walter Mondale stated he would raise taxes if elected, he lost to Reagan by 49 States, 59% of the vote and 525 electoral votes. Lets see if Democrats in Congress run on this class warfare message, they wont folks, trust me.

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