Thursday, June 14, 2012

Obama's jobs failure - Romney TV Advert

Lets Get Real:

This is a good negative advert, it keeps to the facts, FACTS that counter the Obama advert, as the advert notes, there are over 23 million Americans seeking work, that unemployment has been over 8% for 40 months. Good people are losing their homes. The President does not get that fact, its the private sector that make jobs, there is a difference, the public sector does not make wealth, without the private sector there would be no public sector.

Romney Economic Record= Failure, Obama TV Advert

Lets Get Real:

This would be a great negative advert against Governor Romney if the Obama record was not worse, after three and half years, trillions of debt and US unemployment going up. The Oval must think people are thick, if you have a disaster for a domestic record then you should stress the future, still waiting for what a 2nd Obama term would be about, the voter wants to a road map for the future, thus far its all how bad Romney is, that is not going to be enough folks. The Oval is heading for defeat if this is the kind of rubbish it thinks works.

Spanish Bonds = 7%

Guardian Live - Euro: Reports in its 9.53am post that Spanish Bonds have crossed the 7% Mark.

Lets Get Real:

If Spanish Bonds stay at 7% folks then the Spanish Government will have to ask for a major bailout, the 7% mark is seen as the cliff by the markets, it would cost to much for Spain to borrow. This was the fate of the other PIIGS, they were forced to accept a bailout, the new Conservative Government in Spain is lucky, it has just gotten elected, thus has a few years before the next election. Interesting day ahead folks.

Spanish Bonds - Eurozone Crisis

Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports in its 8.15am post that Spanish Bonds have risen to 6.9%.

Lets Get Real:

One can assume that either the cost for the Spanish Government to borrow on the Market will past 7% or the market will revise down the cost of Spanish Bonds. If Spain has to pay 7% on its bonds then it will have to go back to the EU/IMF/ECB and ask for a major bailout, for the debts of the Spanish Government and for the local governments in Spain. If this does happen then Italy will be next folks, as stated Italy is to big to fail, thus the UK might have to borrow money to Italy through the IMF and the EU. It is a pity that it is illegal to do political polls in Greece two weeks before an election, the entire world will be watching Athens on Sunday. The EU and the Markets are waiting to see how the Greeks vote, in our out of the Euro, an election with no clear winner would be a disaster folks.

Spanish Crisis - Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: Reports on more bad news for the Spanish Government, the cost of Spanish bonds has risen again, it is now 6.854% a record, while the Credit Agency Moody's has downgraded the Spanish credit rating to just above junk status.

Lets Get Real:

It seems the 100 billion euro bailout of Spanish Banks has not worked folks, it looks like Spain will have to go back to the EU and ask for the Spanish State to be bailed out. Any Government bailout would have to come with tight strings, the German tax payer has reached their limit with Greece. The question how will this affect Italy, the Italian State has a 2 trillion debt problem. Even the EU would have problems in covering that, there would be no money left in the bank. If Italy is about to ask for a bailout then the UK will have to give money, this would not be popular, but the lack of a united front by the EU could lead to the destruction of the Euro and of the EU. There are crisis days ahead folks, Spain, Italy and then Greece, Athens is the cliff folks, lets see how the Greek voters vote.

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier has been killed in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the " 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards ". Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 418 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 378 in combat/hostile action, while 40 have died due to illness, accidents or other incidents.