Telegraph Live - Egypt: Reports the following in its 2.58pm post, " Egypt's military has put officers in the newsroom of state TV in Cairo, while senior military commanders meet with opposition and religious leaders. All non-essential staff have been told to leave the state TV building, heightening the impression that an annoucement is imminent. ".
Lets Get Real:
Thus are we seeing democracy Egyptian style, the Muslim Brotherhood won a fair election last year, but they have failed to Govern for the whole of Egypt, they have put Party interest over State interest, thus the move to make Egypt more Islamic, this has caused the Middle Class to take to the streets, the economy is in the toilet, the recent violence in Egypt has put off tourists, thus high unemployment, Lets see if a new leader can change the future of Egypt, but also keep the peace deal with Israel. The US will have to keep a careful eye on Egypt for the near future, it can not afford another Syria. The Arab Spring has turned very nasty and bloody, lets hope Egypt does not have a Civil War