Sunday, April 21, 2013

Boston Bombing - Update 5

Daily Mirror: Reports that the FBI is searching for a 12 strong terror cell after the capture of 2nd Boston Bomber. 

Lets Get Real:

This is the worse nightmare for the Oval and the FBI, if there is terror cell, will they strike again, are they being run from outside the US, can the FBI talk to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and when, will he talk, does he want the press of a infamous Court trial.  The Oval has another problem, it ran in 2012 on the message that the Oval had saved the US car industry and killed off Al Qaeda, well not it seems that the US Car Industry is moving to China and that there might be  a secret terror cell within the US waiting to strike again, thus the Democrats will be seen weak on national security.   The Oval was looking like a lame duck after the failure to get background checks for guns through the Senate, if the US is facing a 2nd terror wave the Oval will have problem with its liberal base, the  base has been quite about the drone strikes, will it be quite if the Oval suspends rights for suspected terrorists caught in the US after Boston, also Republicans will bounce on any weakness by the Oval, thus folks the Boston Bombings will have legal and political ramifications for years to come. 

Bush 43 Presidential Library - Bush Era

The New York Times: Reports on the opening of the Presidential Library of Bush 43.

Lets Get Real:

The article is fair folks, its a straight report, no real political attacks on Bush 43, the Library opening will  see President Obama, Bill Clinton, Bush 41 and Jimmy Carter in attendance.  Of all the Presidential Libraries, this  one and the Ronald Reagan Library would be great Presidential Libraries to visit, this blog recalls reading that the Reagan Presidential Library is a top tourist attraction in California, also it has Air Force One, the plane that carried the body of  President Kennedy back from Dallas, Texas in 1963.  A Presidential Library is to celebrate a President, thus any major disasters are there, that is not the point, thus the Nixon Library has Watergate,  Reagan has Iran - Contra, Clinton has his impeachment, from the report Bush 43 will have Iraq and the banking collapse.   A Presidential Library is there to carry on the message of the President, allow the President to be active in different interests, its not objective, even after a President dies, the families of dead Presidents still have influence on the Library.   Recall reading that Nancy Reagan still has an office at the Reagan Presidential Library, also Presidents and their families can keep troublesome material under lock and key for years.  Still worth a visit folks, just recall its not totally objective!. 

Boston Bombing - Update 4

Lets Get Real: 

The FBI can offer Tsarnaev a deal, no death sentence, life in prison but at least he gets to live, this could work on Tsarnaev, as  he did not kill himself, and he had hours to be successful, then the FBI and CIA can work out is there a foreign element to these attacks, did the older brother have training in Russia, is this a trial run for other terrorist attacks.   It could be that Tsarnaev wants the press coverage, the Trial will followed World wide, the press will want Cameras in the Court, at the Federal level this is not allowed, so some less 24/7 news coverage.   There will be questions on the role of the FBI, when the failed to find anything when they were asked by the Russians to have a look at the elder brother, Tamerlan.  The Conspiracy theorists will have a filed day with that folks, trust me, some left wing nuts will believe that the Brothers did not bomb the Boston Marathon and it was down the CIA, yes folks it will come, that is the price of democracy folks. 

Boston Bombing - Update 3

Lets Get Real:

There have been reports that the elder of the Tsarnaev Brothers come under the influence of a radical cleric while in the US, then we have his six month stay in Russia, was it there that he might have been trained build the Boston Bombs, was the bombing a trial run for Al Qaeda to move to softer targets, from experts on terrorism there is the view that there is a debate within Al Qaeda about what to hit, the older 9/11 Al Qaeda want big hits, such as 9/11, 7/7. while the younger generation want to hit soft targets as the Boston Marathon, these days it is not easy to hijack a Plan or Planes and kill thousands of people, from the viewpoint of terrorist groups the Boston Bombing and its 24/7 press coverage might be the safer option but with the same result as a major operation.  One has to say that one has expect this kind of attack years ago, the lack of an attack has been the surprise, thus the Boston Bombings might have been a trial run, or a terrorist cell of two brothers, but one has doubts.  Lets see what the US Court Trial brings, a lot of dots to connect folks. 

Boston Bombing - Update 2

Lets Get Real:
Thus folks the pre 9/11 mind set of the uber liberal ACLU comes out, they want to treat the 2nd Boston Bomber as just another criminal, they seem not to get the fact, that the US is a long term War on Terror, what ever the Oval call its these days, they say in the above Statement that its " Denial of rights is un-American and will only make it harder to obtain fair convictions. " what planet are these people, the life of the 2nd Boston Bomber is OVER, one way or another, either he gets a death sentence or life in prison, its over for him, the point is to find out if he and his brother acted alone on were part of a conspiracy, a wise US Supreme Court Justice said that the US Constitution was not a suicide note, it seems that the very liberal ACLU has forgotten that warning, typical of the left at the end of the day, they  always act like the left, the US can not afford such weakness, the 2nd bomber should not get any rights, he is a terrorist. 

Boston Bombing - Update 1

BBC News: Reports that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev the surviving Boston Bomber  will not be read his Miranda rights.

Lets Get Real:

Even liberal Democrats might be cautious about pushing for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to be read his rights, what if he shuts up, what if there are other terror cells in the US or abroad, as the article notes the Republicans are arguing that Tsarnaev be thought of as a  "enemy combatant", in other words throw him in jail and throw away the key, he is dead either way, the Obama Administration can bring Federal charges that carry the death penalty or he gets life in prison.  Either way a death sentence.   The worry on the political front is that Democrats who have looked like national security hawks after the death of UBL, will look weak again if they treat Tsarnaev as your typical criminal.  The ramifications could play in to the 2014 Mid Terms and the US Presidential Election in 2016, thus Democrats will bail on the Oval if its in their political interest, a lame duck President is even lamer if he is  politically dead with his own Party, thus the Oval has to be careful, between the liberal agenda of the Oval and the political realities of US politics,. 

Hide - Doctor Who Review

The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that the good Doctor had five million viewers for last night's episode, it was the second most popular drama of the night, the total with time shift watching will be out next week.

Lets Get Real:

The is episode had to fight a nice Saturday night, it was even warm, thus people took the chance to go out, lets see the ratings when we include the time shift watchers, the Doctor is about Time Travel after all folks.  The episode was a haunted house theme but with science fiction at its base, it is interesting, are ghosts really ghosts or events in time due to some dramatic nature that become time loops, interesting thought, what if you could make a connection!  In Hide the ghost was a future time travel stuck in a bubble time warp, not of our time but not totally separate, it had a nice family link, no spoilers here folks.   The guest starts, Jessica Raine Dougray Scott had great on screen chemistry, it would be nice to see them come back later on, or even in a few years take over the Tardis, as the Doctor and his Companion.

It was interesting to see that the Doctor had a dark motive for turning up at the haunted house, the haunting interested him, but it was not the real reason he turned up, he wants to know who Clara is, he wants the clever, fun, sexy minx of the first episode of the season, he wants to know how she can be in different time streams and die, but come back, even  the ALL knowing Doctor is confused by Clara, it was very to the point when Jessica Raine's character told Clara not to trust the Doctor, as he had ice in his heart.  One does really have to wonder what his Doctor will be like when Rose turns up, what will Lady Who say about Rose, the wife and the EX, also two Doctors, I know what Captain Jack would be thinking about that, you might think that I could not possible comment ( source, House of Cards ).   The show really has to go back to March, the show faces stiff competition from the major reality shows in the UK, there are lot of shallow people out there that watch this kind of car crash television, they do not have much of a life.   The Doctor is for those that need thoughtful but dramatic TV, clever you ask, well as FU said you might think that etc.