Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Polls for the States - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

IF I was the Clinton Camp I would  be slightly worried, with the release of the sexual allegations against Trump the HRC Campaign should be miles ahead.   One does have to wonder are the polls missing the Trump supporters, nearly ALL the polls have HRC ahead from 4% to 11%, are they ALL WRONG or is the method of sampling wrong, its a fair question.   The HRC Campaign should act as if the election is a dead heat and go harder to attack Trump, the voters want a tough President, not a President that is quiet, the old allegations about the old hound dog are just that, OLD, this should not stop HRC going after Trump over these new allegations.

President Obama on Trump and Russia - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

It says something about this election that HRC and Obama are the tough characters when it comes to Russia and Putin.   One can only wonder what JFK and Ronald Reagan would have said about Trump, the Republican Candidate will be a disaster for the Republicans, one can only hope that voters vote for HRC for President while voting Republican down the ticket.   After the election is OVER the Republican Establishment has to create another structure that does not allow for another Trump, against any other Republican HRC would have lost.