CNN - Politics: Reports " President Donald Trump will give "eye-opening" remarks Tuesday on US efforts to curb North Korea's nuclear weapons program, a source familiar with the President's State of the Union speech said. "
Lets Get Real:
One can only hope that President Trump does not declare WAR on North Korea, otherwise the State of the Union will be long on rhetoric but little on actual action. Thus far the North Koreans it seems to have backed off, the UN sanctions and no cover from China has forced North Korea to be more restrained. The President could say that he was ordering a blockade of North Korea to prevent it getting fuel for its missiles, that would make news. Otherwise it is a waiting game, the North Koreans have stated that they will go the Winter Olympics in South Korea as a united team, why does this blog think they are up to something, will try try a nuclear test while the games are on, or test another ICBM against the US or other US interests. Interesting speech ahead.