Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Trump on North Korea - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

One can only hope that President Trump does not declare WAR on North Korea, otherwise the State of the Union will be long on rhetoric but little on actual action.  Thus far the North Koreans it seems to have backed off, the UN sanctions and no cover from China has forced North Korea to be more restrained.   The President could say that he was ordering a blockade of North Korea to prevent it getting fuel for its missiles, that would make news.  Otherwise it is a waiting game, the North Koreans have stated that they will go the Winter Olympics in South Korea as a united team, why does this blog think they are up to something, will try try a nuclear test while the games are on, or test another ICBM against the US or other US interests.  Interesting speech ahead. 

Another Trump Dossier - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Another dodgy dossier that says that the Russian FSB has something on Trump, the problem with the investigation is that they can not go to Russia to ask, and the Russians won't help them.  It does not matter if the first dossier confirms the first dossier, if Trump says it did not happen, how is the FBI going to confirm something without checking it with Russian sources.   This is starting to look like a witch hunt against Trump, the FBI elite do not like the Trump, and the swamp in D.C is full of liberals.   This could be an endless investigation with no real end, just further red hearings. 

Remainers TRY to Wreck Brexit in the House of Lords - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The moaning remainers in the Labour Party and the Conservative Party will try to block Brexit, they kneel at the image of the EU, some have worked in the EU and thus have their pensions locked in to the EU, enough said.   PM May should make it clear to the  noble Lords that their Chamber can always be removed, the House of Lords could be replaced by a Seate of Lords, elected by the people.   The PM has to be firm with the Lords, get on board or we will replace you. 

The Secret Cabal within the UK Civil Service - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The moaning remainers will use any way to undermine Brexit, their previous negative forecast have proven to be WRONG, the UK Civil Service to does not support Brexit, they can not be trusted to follow the will of the UK voter.  The PM should ask Special Branch to investigate the leak, nail those behind the leak and put the fear of God in to the Civil Service.   The House of Lords will TRY to undermine the Brexit Bill, the UK House of Commons should be ready to veto any House of Lords moves.   Brexit should mean Brexit. 

The moaning Remainers Brexit Report - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

This is an attempt by the moaning remainers with the UK Civil Service trying to undermine Brexit, the forecast by doomsayers on Brexit have proven to be wrong before.   PM May should be firm with the EU, the UK is leaving in March of 2019, the UK in a transition deal would have a veto over any new EU laws, control of its borders, and get money back from the EU, not give money to the EU.   The PM needs to find her inner Lady Thatcher.