Telegraph: Reports the following from the Ukraine, " US accuses Russia of sending spies into eastern Ukraine to 'create chaos'..Russia sending spies to eastern Ukraine to provide a pretext for a possible Crimea style military intervention, John Kerry claims ".
Lets Get Real:
If Secretary Kerry wants to be taken seriously on the International Stage he needs a very frank talk with President Obama, the kind of talk that gets you fired, and the kind of talk that makes you a great Secretary of State. Secretary Kerry needs to tell President Obama to man up and fast, the Russians are playing 19th Century game and are winning, Obama might talk about the 21st Century as something special, well HERE is news for POTUS, its not, the problem with POTUS is that he thinks rhetoric is REAL, rhetoric without a steel fist is just empty air, hot air, the Russians only interest is what is good for Mother Russia, they will do what ever it takes, one can understand that, that is REAL, talking about legal norms of the 21st Century shows no understanding of history, it shows that President Obama has not grown in office, oh for Obama to have his own Leo ( West Wing ), someone who can take the bark off, its Obama's and the West's loss that he does not have REAL close friends in D.C.