Thursday, September 17, 2020

How are the UK and EU talks really going ? - Brexit Update 3 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

While everyone is watching the House of Commons and the House of Lords the real fighting is at the UK/EU talks, thus far the EU has not walked away, thus there must be some chance of a deal.  The PM has gone in heavy with his Internal Market Bill, that might be enough to push the EU to make concessions, enough for the Brexit supporters to declare a victory and move on.  One really doe not understand why the EU is playing hardball, neither side is reality is going to break the Good Friday Agreement, its just war by words, the UK it can be argued should be able to find the right words to solve this problem!!

Internal Market Bill - Brexit Update 2 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

Sky News really has become HARD REMAIN CENTRAL, there is breaking internatioanl law and breaking international law, the PM did not invade Poland as far as this blog knows, those harping on about it, are lawyers, who happen to be MPs, The Conservatives should think about limiting the number of lawyers that can become Conservative MPs, Countries first not their legal careers!!  The PM has given a concession, thus this expects ALL Conservative MPs to vote for the Internal Market Bill, if those MPs should lose the WHIP, and their local chairman/women should be informed that the MP is no longer a Conservative and can not stand as at the next election.

The Internal Market Bill and the House of Lords - Brexit 1 Update - Transitional Phase

 BBC News: Reports " Government plans to amend a controversial bill that overrides sections of the Brexit divorce deal have been rejected by former Tory leader Lord Howard.  "

Lets Get Real:

With the new compromise with the moderates in the House of Commons the Internal Market Bill should go to the House of Lords with a  good majority.  If the Lords refuse to play ball then PM should nominiate a 100 Brexit supporters to the benches, or how many it takes to remind the House of Lords of its place.  If the House of Commons is happy with the bill and is support the PM the House of Lords will have to move, of course it could be time to replace the House of Lords, the great British people will not cry if they are abolished.   Their Lordships get a heavy amount for turning up, well if the accept the money they should play ball.