CNN - Politics: Reports " Steve Bannon has struck a deal with special counsel Robert Mueller's team and will be interviewed by prosecutors instead of testifying before the grand jury, two people familiar with the process told CNN. He is expected to cooperate with the special counsel, the sources said. "
Lets Get Real:
The elite press will not be happy, they wanted to see Steve Bannon go before the Grand Jury without his Lawyer. The question is WHAT does Bannon know that could be of use to the special counsel in building a case against POTUS, it's generally agreed that the main threat to Trump is that the Counsel is looking at obstruction of justice, thus the sacking of the Director of the FBI. Those that support Trump will argue that the President has the right to sack anyone he likes, that does not mount to obstruction of justice, that is up to the Grand Jury to decide. This Russian investigation is running and running!!