Friday, July 11, 2008

The Polls for the 08 Race

Lets have a look at the polls folks.

Gallup: Reports that Obama holds a narrow 3% lead over McCain. In a match up the poll finds the following, Obama 46% - McCain 43%. As argued before in a close race Obama will lose, you have to take in to consideration those that lie when asked who they will vote for in November. Obama needs to get a bigger lead and to keep it, if this is the race going in to Election Day, Obama will lose the election. McCain is doing well even with all the negatives against the Republicans.

Rasmussen: Also shows a Obama lead over McCain by 3%. The poll finds the following, Obama 48% - McCain 45%. It can postulated that the move by Obama to the centre could have upset his base but also showed he just another politician on the make, this could have hurt him with Moderate Republicans and Independents. The next big call for Obama is his VP, perhaps he will have to take Hillary Clinton, he needs her voters and her money. The question would the Liberal base take such a move, would the change candidate became the Establishment candidate and what about Bill Clinton. This is a race for Obama to lose, this will be a long race for Obama.

The Left and Reality

RCP: Interesting article by Bob Beckel on how Obama has moved to the centre and how his fan base is not happy. It can be argued that the move has been fast, recent polls have shows Obama even with McCain. The move to the centre and right on some Issues had to happen as Obama wants to get elected President, but his fans bought the hype, he is from Chicago, that is tough politics, winning is all that matters, and that is a lesson that Obama has learnt perhaps to well but its good politics.

Wiretapping and the LA Times

LA Times: The Liberal LA Times is up in arms over the new Wiretapping Law. If its good enough for Obama its should be good enough for the Times.