Saturday, October 05, 2013

Back Pay for Federal Workers - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

The Democratic message is getting muddle folks, the US Defence Department is recalling workers, those Federal workers sent home will get back pay, at some point the Democrats will have to allow for votes on giving funds to those that have served in the military and children in need of cancer help.   As the Unions are great supporters of the Democrats they face the prospect that they will be attacked for supporting their traditional money supporter while allowing children to die.   This is harsh message folks, but in a Chicago fight, you WIN what ever the cost, the Republicans have to WIN for America and the people. 

What SHUTDOWN ? - 2nd Term Blues

BBC News: Reports that four hundred thousand defence workers that were sent home due to the US Government shutdown will return to work next week.

Lets Get Real:

This is a good piece of news for the Republicans, that just leaves four hundred thousand workers AT home, we shall how long the Democrats on the Hill still oppose support for those that have served in the military, children waiting for cancer support, and other bills passed by the Republican House.  One has to presume that the Oval knew that the Defence Secretary was going to do this, it does kind negate the Obama message. The Republicans should hold their nerve, as stated they should not give an inch on the CR or the debt ceiling. This is the time for the Republicans to be the grown ups, the US can not carry on with a 17 trillion debt. Time to wield the policy knife, cut the fat, cut the US Government down, make it work for the VOTERS and tax payers. 

Democratic CRACKS for Obama - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real: 

Folks, this blog takes its hat off to the liberal left wing Guardian, it at least reports that there are cracks in the Democratic Party, having watched the 24/7 US channels, you would not find that much reporting of this event, CNN of late has been quite BAD, it has gone back to kissing the Presidential backside, the guests of AC360 ALL seem to come from liberal background, even the Republicans with a few exceptions are Republicans in name only, one anchor on CNN could not understand why a Republican Congressman was taking his anger out on Obama guard for a memorial sites to WW2 veterans, what the elite media has not reported on the whole is the fact that the site didn't have gates before the shutdown, that the Oval sent more guards over to keep veterans from going to the site.   If your going to play that game then CNN should become part of MSNBC and give up trying to be fair and balanced.   The elite media it seems have given up thinking, they just follow what the Oval tells them, what a disgrace. 

Liberal Strategy and Republicans - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

This is the typical of the NYT, it does seem to get the fact that the Democrats control the White House and the Senate, ALL the liberal media want is for the Republicans to compromise, they NEVER place pressure on the Oval Office or the Senate Majority Leader, with the exception of a brave CNN reporter.    If the moderates are even thinking of bolting they Republican leadership you threaten their political futures, the RNC should state it will support primary candidates that oppose House members who break with the leadership.   At the end of the it up to the Oval if the US goes over the financial cliff, if it cant or will not compromise then the Republicans should allow the US to default on its debts.   This would not be a disaster folks, tax money would be still be coming in, just the Government would have to spend money it has, not money it does NOT.   If the Oval is this foolish, the Republicans should make the Democrats pay a REAL price for getting the Oval out of its own mess, a delay in ObamaCare, and cut in welfare spending.   This fight is for the soul and future of the US folks. 

Obama's Playing Politics with the Shutdown - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:
The question that moderate and conservative Democrats in the House and the Senate have to ask would President Obama be loyal to them IF his political future was at stake, he does not have to run again, Democrats face a fight in 2014 and 2016.   This is not like the US Government shutdowns of the 80s and 90s. the elite media does not control the message, the growth of conservative talk radio, Fox News and blogs means that the ONE message of the liberal elite does not control what the rest of the voters see, now the American people see the failure of the ObamaCare websites, it is being taken down over the weekend because it does not work.    Thus the Republicans have to stick together, the should not give an inch on the CR or the debt ceiling, if the Oval wants to go Over the financial cliff so be it, he can join President Hoover as a failed President.   The Oval is listening to itself, a recent job approval poll on Gallup had Obama on 41% job approval, while 52% of Americans Disapprove of the job performance of the President Obama.   Lets recall folks President Clinton had a 52% job approval before and after his shutdown.   Thus folks the Republicans start at the bottom in approval, they have nowhere to go, while Obama can drop further, thus the Republicans should play Chicago hardball, and WIN folks, lets the Oval take the US over the cliff and deal with the results.