Monday, June 04, 2012

Wisconsin Recall Vote

Telegraph: Reports that Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin has a six point lead in his recall fight.

Lets Get Real:

If Walker wins this is a bad omen for the Chicago Re-Elect Committee, the Governor has slashed public spending and taken on the Unions. These policies have turned the State around, the recall is the last attempt by the Unions to reclaim their previous high grossing deals with the State. At present POTUS has a healthy lead in Wisconsin thus he does not want to be on the losing side. Thus he has kept the Oval from the fight, this might be a mistake, if Walker wins this might place the State as a battleground State in November, this would mean resources that Obama would not have spent will be diverted to the State, in a close fight this could lead to a Romney victory. What about Walker as the VP to Romney, this would drive the Democrats up the wall, that’s the fun of politics folks.

Political and Banking Union for the EU

Guardian: Reports a new EU plan to federalise the debt of the PIIGS and the banking debts of the Euro, the article states the following, “ The plan could see vast national debt and banking liabilities pooled – and then backed by the financial strength of Germany..

Lets Get Real:

The Germans will only go for such a move if the Budgets of the Eurozone only get passed with the agreement of Germany, the plan would mean that Germany would control Western Europe. This is bad idea folks, this sounds like the Elite coming up with a plan that saves their jobs. Did they miss World War One and Two, is Paris ready to give up political control of its Budget, will French voters have no say on the THEIR budget. This idea might seem fantastic to the EU Elite but its one way to destroy the EU and the Euro. Lets hope calmer minds think this through, the VOTERS wont go for it, one can see mass Demos in Paris once they figure out that it will be Berlin that will decide their domestic system not and the French voter. Let me ask you one simple question folks, would your trust people that have taken Europe to the brink of collapse, they are more interested in saving their jobs, not about the people of Europe. Lousy idea by lousy leaders folks.

Mad Men S5 - BIG - BIG - Spoiler

The New York Times: Has a big spoiler interview.

Lets Get Real:

Folks I am shocked, am appalled, one of my favourite characters is getting written out of Man Men, who would have thought that ( Spoiler ) would do that, or that ( Spoiler ) actions would lead to this event. The Character had ( Spoiler ) up and downs, but when ( spoiler ) kissed ( Spoiler ) one thought ( Spoiler ) had a chance of being happy.

Every show needs a kick up the backside, this will change the characters for the next two seasons. This blog when it grows up wants to look like Don but act like Roger. We all have dreams folks.