CNN: Reports that Hillary Clinton has appeared on Saturday Night Live, President Ford who was sent up rotten up in the middle 70s hated the how he shown, falling down a lot, in reality he did seem to fall down the steps of Air Force One a lot!! He appeared on SNL in the introduction. I guess Hillary is after the younger voter that goes to Obama, its not going to happen!! The internal polls must be bad to take time off to do a comedy show.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Cleveland Plain Dealer - New Ohio Poll
Clinton still ahead by four points in Ohio, Clinton 47%, Obama 43%. But the general view is that its not enough, Clinton needs a big win in Ohio and Texas and it’s not going to happen on Tuesday.
Florida Again!!
The Politico: Reports its go hold of the Clinton strategy on how to win Texas; think dirty tricks and you get the idea. After reading it very effective advice, one point, Obama is good at getting his supporters to a Caucus, thus Hillary Clinton needs a good ground game to put this dirty trick strategy in to action on Tuesday.
The Elite Media and the Clintons
L A Times: It starts, the LA Times argues that the Clinton Machine cant cut it on Tuesday, a big win is out of the window, as the polls in both Texas and Ohio are very close. The PR system of the race helps the Obama Camp. The LA Times states the following, “ Clinton must win Texas and Ohio to have any serious hope of sustaining her bid to become the nation's first female president. A split decision would not suffice, analysts said, and winning narrowly may not help. ” Thus one can guess the headlines following Tuesday, should Clinton lose Texas and win Ohio by a very narrow margin. One gets the feeling the Elite Media wants this race over and Hillary Clinton to go back to the Senate and take Bill with her. I will guarantee that after this is all over, political and Historical writes will debate did Bill Clinton really want Hillary Clinton to win, why was he so off message early on, in his hearts of hearts could the alpha male not take the idea of his wife as President. The great Politician of generation was not great in fact he was much worse than any Obama attack on the the Clinton Machine.
The West Wing and Reality
The Times: At end of Season Seven of the West Wing, the Young President, appointed a Republican as his Secretary of State, in the real world if Obama wins the election the Times of London reports that he wants to appoint Republicans to the Defence Department and Secretary of State. This is a canny move, get the story out, appeal to voters who are tired of the rows and want results. One has to ask are the advisers to Obama fans of the West Wing?
Money the Mothers Milk of Politics
New York Times: A very interesting article that in essence states that Obama is going all out to buy the election, to finish this race off on Tuesday. Must Read of the Day.
McGovern’s Last Stand 2008
New York Times:Hillary Clinton is going back to her yesterdays, getting support from those that worked with her on the McGovern Campaign of 1972. Question, good to network but does it get younger voters, does she need to get beyond her base of support.
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