Friday, September 07, 2012

The Morning Blues - US Unemployment

Lets Get Real.

Thus folks the election is now down to TV adverts, Obama and Romney hitting the swing states, then we have the debates, and in November which Party can get its voters out. The Debates as stated this blog will be crucial, can Romney pass the Presidential test, do voters want him on their TV for four years, this was the test for Ronald Reagan in 1980, Reagan passed and served eight years as US President. The test for President Obama is can US voters face another four years of Obama, it can be argued that the White House put POTUS out to much, he was everywhere, lets be honest politicians can grate if you have to put up with them ever day on the TV. Interesting two months ahead folks if your a political geek, if your normal, head for the bat cave, your sanity will be tested, political adverts, 24/7, in the swing States politicians every other day, YES FOLKS, it will be that bad. That the fun part about Democracy folks, it never ends.

The Friday Hangover - US Unemployment

Telegraph: Reports the following on jobs created in August in the US, " ..96,000 new jobs in August, a figure that was well below economists’ expectations. ".

Lets Get Real:

On one level the fall of the US unemployment rate to 8.1% is good for Team Obama, the major problem is the fact that over three hundred and sixty thousand Americans just gave up looking for a job because there are no jobs. Thus the fall will swamp the Obama speech from last night, this might not be a bad thing, the Telegraph notes the following on the speech, " The subdued address was described as “workmanlike” by pundits on both sides of the political divide,..". If you think the Government is the solution and tax hikes always work then you will have liked the speech, if your REAL PERSON and live in the REAL WORLD, you know different, liberals or Labour always spend other peoples money and then leave a mess, Obama is NO Bill Clinton, at least Clinton was a policy geek, while Obama just thinks his own rhetoric is real. Lets see what the polls are like after a few days folks, will Team Obama get a bounce from the DNC, time will tell folks.

Racist NYT and the Republicans

The New York Times: In its editorial the uber liberal NYT states the following for the Republican opposition to the Obama Agenda over four years, " implacable hatred of Mr. Obama that is mostly ideological but also fueled by his race. It took nearly three years for the Obama team to recognize that central fact. ".

Lets Get Real:

The uber liberals are worried folks, they fear Obama just might lose, thus the usual trick of the bonkers left, they use the race card, this should be no great surprise, lets recall that the Obama team used the race card on the first real " black " President, Bill Clinton in 2008. The NYT editorial praises the Obama speech, they are that out of it folks, this blog lost an hour of good sleep to listen to the President, what this blog heard was big government and tax hikes, not the New Democrat of the Clinton years. The uber left wants to spend the USA in to another Greece, the rich left and NYT owners will be behind their secured walls should Obama get a 2nd term and takes the US over a financial cliff. Its the Middle Class that will suffer, and of course the working class, its never the uber rich liberals, they just spout left wing slogans and have body guards and personal assistants, oh this blog can do class warfare against rich liberals, its fun. Also President Obama lied at the DNC, it was Bush 43 that ended the Iraq occupation with a agreement before he left office that saw the US leave in 2011. In fact Obama tried to get an agreement to keep troops in Iraq as long as they were immune from Iraqi law, it did not work so the troops left. Also Obama made a BIG political error, when he was critical of the fact that Romney has been critical of Russia and China, as noted Obama threw Poland and Czech Republic under the bus as to get a better relationship with Russia, and what has been the Russian reaction, to block any UN action over Syria. Thus folks, when the left uses race, you know they are on the back foot, 60 or so days to go before the election folks.

Death in UK - Afghanistan Theatre Casualty

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier has died in the UK of wounds sustained in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the " 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards ". Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 426 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total its has lost 386 in combat/hostile action, while 40 have died due to illness, accident or other incidents.

Lets Get Real:

WHY, WHY, WHY folks, we are leaving in 2014, Downing Street and the White House have made it clear that the West is heading for the EXIT in Afghanistan, WHY are we losing our brave and heroic Soldiers in a War that we cant and do not want to win, WHY should we lose another Soldier, this is just to keep the politicians happy, their blood so Western leaders can gain some votes, not a fair trade folks.