Friday, February 23, 2007

Bill Clinton Review

An interesting article in the National Journal on how Bill Clinton's record as President might come under attack by fellow Democrats, in some respects the opponents of Hillary have to take Bill down a few notches to win the Democratic Nomination, they have to make Hillary Clinton the Al Gore of 2008, make the use of Bill not a asset but something in a middle, make Hillary Clinton run on her record and her personality, Hillary is not Bill and it is about time the Democratic and Media Elite smelled the Coffee.

Senator Joe Lieberman

The man that in effects decides who runs the Senate has a great power at the moment, by his single vote, Time has a very interesting article on him, the article states the following on his power and its future, " The longer he waits to capitalize on his moment, the greater the danger that he'll be tagged as one of those politicians for whom having power is more important than using it. " Iraq is the one issue that could move Lieberman to the Republicans side, and the Democrats are moving fast to the left.

Lieberman interview in The Politico, Iraq could be final push for him to move to the Republicans.

UN and Iran

The BBC reports that Iran ignored a UN deadline on its Nuclear Development.

CNN reports that concerned powers will meet on Monday to discuss the issue of what next to do with Iran.

Iran Showdown and Bush

The Times reports that on this side of the bond there is a worry that Bush will take action on Iran before his term ends in 2009. The real fear should be that he wont take action, if in the early 1920s we had finished off the Soviets during the Civil War perhaps we could have saved millions in Russia and prevented WW2. Weakness is never a good option no matter what the Guardian or New York Times think about International Politics.