CNN - World: Reports " Russia has not committed to de-escalate on the Ukrainian border after two rounds of diplomatic talks this week, Deputy US Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said Wednesday,.. "
Lets Get Real:
One does wonder when Putin will pull the plug on this diplomatic sideshow, it is CLEAR that the Russians Diplomats have been told to keep to the Party line, that Ukraine must not be allowed in to NATO and that NATO forces should be removed from Eastern Europe States in NATO. These States were in the old Warsaw Pact in the Cold War. The Biden Oval should take the LEAD, send in the 101st Airborne, on a goodwill visit to Kiev and the border between the West and East Ukraine. This would draw a line in the sand, show Putin's Kremlin that the US and the West will not be LEAD by the whims of President Putin. Also it should be LEAKED what sanctions the Russian Federation would face if it did invade the Ukraine, make them eye watering for the Kremlin and the Russian people. The West has had enough of following Putin, time to show the Kremlin who really is in charge, better than having to react to a Russian invasion of the Ukraine.