Saturday, August 16, 2014

Obama's Lament - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

This is what happens when you elect someone who has NEVER run even a Coffee stand as President of the United States, it has been on the job training since the first day, the important lesson is that President Obama has not the ability to understand when he is wrong, his ego is more important that the facts on the ground, he wants to please the LIBERAL base of his party at the expense of US national security.   Thus if your a fair person ask yourself, would Syria, Iraq  and the Ukraine be better off IF there was a different man or woman in the Oval.   The answer has to be YES, from recent comments by Hillary Clinton it is clear that she would have armed the secular rebels in Syria, now that chance is lost, the main fighters in Syria now is IS.   The Oval must not allow IS to control Syria and Iraq, this is a matter of US and Western national security, lets hope POTUS learns to get past his ego, and takes REAL action in the Middle East, that means ground troops, air power alone will not cut it, one is not holding one's breath that POTUS has learned that lesson. 

Ukraine Update - Ukraine Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Either the Russian Rebels are part of a plan or the rebels are making up stories to keep their troops happy, also with the report that the Ukrainian Army had destroyed part of a Russian incursion it is becoming hard to see the truth through the fog of PR by both sides.   The Russians would be taking a massive risk should they try to take the WHOLE of the Ukraine, the Obama Oval would be forced to increase the NATO presence in Poland and the Baltic States.   EVEN Putin would not be as stupid as to try his luck with Poland and the Baltic States, that would mean WAR with the West, the Russian rich would not be very happy, thus it is a matter of waiting to see what comes over the next few hours and days. 

Iraq Update - Iraq Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The American voter must think they are the Godfather Part 3, " I was out but they drag me back in " when it comes to Iraq, the Obama Oval can not afford to allow IS to remain a power in the region, thus US will have to protect Ibril and Baghdad while using Special Forces  to target IS weapons and personnel.   It has been estimated that the IS Forces is only between ten to fifteen thousand terrorists, thus the UK and US special forces should find it easy to find targets for the US to hit.   The new Baghdad Government needs time to build up the Iraqi Army with troops that are loyal.   The Iraqi operation will take months of air strikes, through fighter jets and drones.   IS has to be destroyed.