Monday, November 01, 2010

The Day After - November 3rd

Guardian: Reports that the Oval is getting read for the day after November 2nd, the article states the following on the expect result, “… the worst Democratic election results for a generation, a shift that could leave Washington gridlocked. ” . The problem for the Oval and the West Wing is that they are asking the wrong questions, Obama seems to think that if he had given another speech on health care reform then the thick US voter would get the fact that is was good for them, POTUS has to get beyond his how arrogance, that will be hard with a group YES men in the White House, Obama needs to clear his staff and bring in some veteran Washington types who can take him by the labels and wake him up and are not afraid of him and don’t think he is the smartest man in the room. Thus does Obama want a second term, if the Democrats on the Hill get the impression that Obama does not really care they will bury ObamaCare as fast as they can, those up for re-election in 2012 do not want lose their Seats due to arrogant and elite President who going down the toilet in 2012. Thus the question that Obama has to asked, does he want a second term, no other questions matter, it’s a simple YES/NO.

Latest House Projection - RCP

RCP: Reports on its latest House projection, the Republicans are on 224, while the Democrats have 167, there are 44 Seats that could go either way on Tuesday. Lets say for argument sake that all 44 50/50 Seats go to the Republicans, thus the Republicans would have 268 while Democrats would be stuck on 167, this would be a massive win for the Republicans and the Tea party movement, it would give the Republicans the Mandate to block the Obama Agenda, so no more spending by Obama, it would force POTUS to go to the centre or to his right if he wants any movement on the Hill. Thus the question that all commentators have asked can the Oval move to the centre as Bill Clinton moved in 1994, that will show the political quality of President Obama, is not when your Party controls the Presidency and the Hill that shows the power of the Oval, its when the Oval has to cut deals with the opposition party or face a frozen two years. President Obama has only two years to get his act together or face defeat in 2012.

VOTE in 2010


Vote for Washington Sanity over YOUR Money

Vote for Washington to get you JOBS

Vote to CUT the DEFICIT

Vote Republican in the MID TERMS