Sunday, December 21, 2008

Obama's New Deal in 2008

The New York Times: Reports on the Obama Economic Plan to get the USA through the Economic 9/11. As usual with Democrats they want to spend, nothing new, given how much Bush has spent on Wall Street and the Car Industry the Republicans cant say much, they voted with their President. The problem with the PLAN is that sounds like Roosevelt's New Deal. The flaw is that the New Deal did not get the USA out of the Depression, in fact it might have made it longer due to the fact that Western Economic system works best when the government is not the major share holder in the economy. It was World War Two that got the USA out of the Depression, we shall see if Obama can change his mind when this does not work, lets be honest he has two years then he start to run for re - election, also the Congress will be up for election, one can expect that the Democrats will lose seats in the House and Senate, thus Congress will want quick results, the economy does not work in that manner, lets see how long it takes for the Liberals in Congress to ask for tax hikes.

Death in Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports on the death of another UK Soldier in Afghanistan, the total of the dead now stands at 135. Of late the US has been critical of UK strategy in Afghanistan, the common wisdom is that President Obama will ask for more troops from the UK, well lets just say NO. The UK are taking heavy losses if you think about the size of our Force level and the casualties. It is time for the NATO Allies to do some sacrifice, why is it always us and the USA. Its about time we made the NATO Allies pay for the protection of the USA and the UK. Thus PM Gordon Brown should follow the example of the late Labour PM Harold Wilson and say no to troops but support NATO sending more troops to Afghanistan. If the government of Pakistan was to fall the terrorists could get their hands on the bomb, or if there is a war between Pakistan and India the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan would be open border to the terrorists. Thus next year Obama has two follow a twin track, Diplomatic, get India and Pakistan back on the same page when dealing with terrorism and nuclear issues, also get Pakistan to clean house on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. If the Obama surge fails next year in Afghanistan, Afghanistan could do to Obama what Iraq has done to Bush. The early days of an Obama Administration should have the CIA and MI6 on high alert, it can be postulated that the terrorists will try something, the question is when and what is the target, the homeland USA or Europe, of course as stated they could try a Tet style offensive in Iraq or Afghanistan. Lets hope all EYES AND EARS ARE OPEN.

How to be the US VP

The New York Times: Reports on the different views of Vice - President Elect Joe Biden and Vice - President Dick Cheney on the role of the Vice - President. It seems Joe Biden wants down play his role, that sounds great, still think it was a mistake by Obama to select a classic liberal from the Senate. The difference between Biden and Cheney is simple, Biden has spend his career in the Senate, he can only see through the eyes of the Senate while Cheney was Chief of Staff to President Ford, the Defence Secretary for Bush 41 and of course Vice - President to Bush 43. Lets see how much time Obama really gives Biden, have my doubts that Biden would have chosen the National Security team chosen by Obama. I think Biden just might have the worse time as VP, as a powerful Senator he had to be heard by the President, Obama can send him on every diplomatic junket to keep him out of the way. What about Caroline Kennedy for VP in 2012 to Obama.

US and UK Surge in Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports on the US plan to send between twenty and thirty thousand more troops to Afghanistan, also that the UK is considering sending more troops to Afghanistan. If we are going to do this foolish thing lets do it right, lets make sure UK troops have the right equipment and that we can hit hit the terrorists bases in Pakistan, the War in Afghanistan has an echo of the War in Vietnam, the Viet Cong could never be defeated as they had support from North Vietnam, thus we have the same problem in Afghanistan, the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan is a safe heaven for the terrorists. In the Imperial Days the place was a no go area for the British Army, same problem, this time we cant just drop a bomb on the locals. In looking at the military situation on the border we have to accept that if we cant bulldoze the mountains we have to get the tribal leaders on our side, through talking or money, don't care really as long as they come over to the Western side and tell us in which house the terrorists are hiding. In other words we have to win the hearts and minds of the locals, that is often done with hard cash. Also we have help the locals see that it benefits them to help us, help them get work and also help with the infrastructure, Schools, Hospitals and Libraries to allow the local people to see that the West can help the civic structure. Then after the carrot we come to the big stick, we have to show that the West can be tough and ruthless, we have to make the locals see that they have only one choice, if need be go in heavy handed, bomb the place back to the stone age if need be, this is very much the last option but I don't want to see UK troops in Afghanistan for the next fifty years and losing more troops along the way. Lets have new ideas, the carrot and stick but lets win at the end of the day.