Friday, October 03, 2008

The Weekend Polls

Lets see what the folks are telling the pollsters.

Gallup: It should be noted as Gallup states that the majority of this three day tracking poll was taken before the VP Debate between Palin and Biden. The Poll finds the following, Obama 49% - McCain 42%, thus a seven point lead for Obama. As noted before I don't trust American voters, Obama needs to get a double point lead before November. One has to take in to consideration how many are telling the pollsters what they think they should say but vote differently when it comes to the secret polling booth. Harsh but the truth folks. Obama has to keep the message on the economy.

Rasmussen: Also reports that Obama has a seven point lead over McCain. This poll finds the following, Obama 51% - McCain 44%. As the election race stands now, I am going to call this election for Obama, it will be a narrow win but a win is a win. Thus over the next few debates will be interesting to see what view points the next President will take over the next four years. Although from above I have stated that I don't trust the American voter, McCain has failed since the Wall Street Bailout to offer a real different view for the American voter. Obama has been distant from D.C, calm and cool, very Ronald Reagan. Lets be honest a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress are bound to make a fine mess of it over two or four years. Then Governor Palin can come in, and we could have another eight years of Republican rule.

The RealClearPolitics average of the Polls has Obama leading by 5.8%.

The Oval Office and the Wall Street Bailout

The White House: President George W. Bush has stated the following on the passage of the Wall Street Bailout, " Americans should also expect that it will take some time for this legislation to have its full impact on our cannot be accomplished overnight. We'll take the time necessary to design an effective program that achieves its objectives....But with confidence and leadership and bipartisan cooperation, we'll overcome the challenges we face, return our nation to a path of growth, and job creation, and long-term economic prosperity. ..." The question that has to be asked, what if the bailout is not enough, what if Bush has to come back to ask for more money, and on the other hand, will more regulation of Wall Street cause the USA to take less risks on the economic front, thus the power house of the market wont run at full stream, while the USA has a recession, the rest of the world will have a depression.

Wall Street Bailout

BBC News: Reports that the US House of Representatives has passed the Senate Wall Street Bailout. This shows you can buy Congress if you give them enough pork, bribes, seven hundred billion has gone up to eight hundred billion. The extra billion in tax breaks and other gimmicks to please the voters. The USA has started down a road that the UK went down and become the Sick Man of Europe in the 70s. The question for Congress what if the bailout does not work!

Elite View of VP Debate

Lets look at what the elites are stating about the VP debate between Senator Biden and Governor Palin.

ABC News: George Stephanopoulos writes of the debate, " ..there was nothing to this debate that is likely to change the trajectory of the race. " in other words Palin won big time and the elite media will now try to state that the Debate didn't matter and that its down to McCain and Obama. After watching the debate last night and think it over, it can be argued that Palin might balance the race out, the polls will tell the effect of the debate on the weekend.

The New York Times
: David Brooks writes the following on Palin in the Liberal Times, " She established debating parity with Joe Biden. And in a country that is furious with Washington, she presented herself as a radical alternative. " The Liberal Elite willl not be happy with that comment. If McCain goes up in the polls over the next few days it will be down to Palin. The election is over a month away, polls change, Obama has to keep the agenda on the economy and wall street, to quote Josh from West Wing, he has to be the Mommy that the country turns to when it is hurt, if they need a father figure in November, McCain will win the Presidency.

A Ghost from the Past and Future ?

BBC News: Reports on the Cabinet Reshuffle by PM Gordon Brown. The PM has bought back the ghost of past battles with himself, Peter Mandelson as Business Secretary. This on one hand shows confidence by Brown that he can rebel borders, on other hand if he losses the next Scottish By Election and has a bad European Campaign next Year, it could be Mandelson that gives him the black spot. Fun times ahead folks, wonder if Peter told Tony, what did Tony think about this, spy at court some could be muttering.

Live Review of VP Debate

The debate about to start, should be fun folks.

Fox News, gives the impression that Governor Palin has to save the McCain/Palin ticket with this debate.

The Debate starts.


The Moderator has not mentioned her book yet, on Obama

The Bailout the first question, Biden the first question, attack on the Bush policy on the economy. The Stump policy on the bailout. So far so good for Biden. Palin on, fear of the economy, she good so far, keeping to the McCain record.

How Biden would be a Vice President, reach across to Republicans. Then attack Bush, Palin has to attack Biden and fast, good how the workforce is great, use her own record, reform of the system.

Uses the years against Biden, good move.

Palin sounds like Lady Thatcher on the credit crunch, good. Obama record by Biden. Lets see how Palin reacts. Palin goes to attack Obama, his votes for tax hikes! The Moderator tried to get Palin in to the McCain detail, Palin kept well away!

McCain regulation, who cares, Biden and the moderator what to pin Palin, not so far.

Biden looks spooked by Palin, Palin goes after the Obama tax plan. Small Business comes under the tax plan.

Good Palin can tell the public about the McCain Health Plan. Lets see the Biden reaction, He wants to attack, but he cant because Palin is a woman, his eyes show the stress.

Plans that will have to be halted. No Foreign Aid and no tax cuts in the view of Biden.

How the Governor attacked the Oil Industry and how Obama wanted to give them tax breaks.

Obama voted for the tax breaks because part of the energy bill. Biden gives credit to Palin for her Administration.

Palin for reform of Wall Street. Biden states that Obama wanted to regulate the credit crunch.

Palin comes back to Energy, keeps on her subject. She learns quick this Palin, good. Energy a matter of National Security.

Green House Effect. Natural and Man Make Effect. Wants solutions not endless debates. - Palin
Biden= Man Made the reason for the Green House Effect. This is open to attack from McCain.

The Importance of Drilling, Biden looks not happy, dont smile looks false!!

Obama supporters gay marriage I think, in the view of Biden. Biden gives straight answer is no to gay marriage. Biden can be confusing.
Palin, supports the tradational marriage but also moderate.

Iraq. Palin supports Bush Policy. Attacks Obama for his lack of support of troops.
Biden the usual line, lose the War not win the War.

Palin called the Obama a surrender. Good go after Obama/Biden.

Biden is attacking McCain over Iraq.
Iran and Pakistan the next question.

2.46am am
Biden good on the problems of Pakistan. Palin, Iraq stress by VP nominee. Israel under threat from Iran. Palin good on Foreign Policy.

Moderator, talk to enemies? Palin, No to meeting Iran.
Biden, wants to talk to Iran, this could be a bad move by Biden.

Israel and the two state solution. Palin supports Israel. Biden mistake of the Bush Foreign Policy. Palin look forward not the past.

The use of Nuclear Weapons, Palin the threat from North Korea and Iran. Afghanistan used to attack Obama. Palin makes Obama sound weak.

Palin counters Biden on Afghanistan, he looked surprised that she knew!

Biden on his support for military action. It worked in Bosnia. On Iraq, supported the bill, the bill was about war. Palin, goes after Biden, good, Biden looks weak and not happy! Palin good on Darfur, knows her stuff.

Goes after McCain over Iraq. Biden. was for the war before he was against the war.

A Biden Administration would be the same as a Obama Administration.
In other words LIBERAL

The need for reform - Palin

Good crack on Biden and the past. Palin is on fire, keep her on the road, fire up the base.

The Role of the VP. Palin is fun, shadows of the Gipper here, good.

Biden - Co - Presidency with Obama. If Obama would not be happy. Moderator tried to get Palin in to weeds about the legal defintion of the VP.

Biden not keen on Vice President Cheney. Wants a limited VP.

The Weakness of both VPs. Palin good on this question. Very sharp mind here, lets see Biden, not going to change. Weakness neither Obama or Biden have ever run anything.

Biden effective on his personal record. Near tear up. Good or Bad?

Biden getting annoyed, he knows he lost this debate.!! Palin is calm and effective.

How Biden become an extreme Liberal over Judges. Reagan was not a fan of Biden. Palin when she has to give in, the budget is an example.

How the Biden and Palin work with the other side, Palin, walk the walk, good line.Obama will cut jobs- Palin.

Palin attack on Elite Media. Uses Reagan as an example.
Biden, attack on Bush, a low beat ending, Palin was looking to the future not the past. Biden looking back.

The Result. Palin a clear winner. Let see the Polls.

Live Debate Blog at 2am

This is my first live debate blog, lets see how Palin does against Biden. Its always risky to make a prediction about these events, but Palin has not impressed and Biden even with his gaffes is more what you would expect from a Vice - President. Thus expect Senator Biden to attack McCain while Palin will go after Obama. The question is will Biden keep to his script and does Palin know the script.

The counter balance to this live blog is the UK's Guardian Live Blog of the Event. The Guardian is on the left of the political spectrum.

Wall Street Bailout = OK = House

The Fox News: Reports that the Senate bill to bailout Wall Street is getting support in the House of Representatives. The tax breaks and other gimmicks added by the Senate, at the cost of another Billion Dollars has done the trick, the House will fold, its easy to buy the House of Representatives it seems, give them money and they fold, to hell with the United States.

Fistfull of Dollars ( Special Edition )

Taking a break from the Wall Street melt down and the Government bailout of eight hundred billion Dollars, I had a nice cup of tea and watched Clint Eastwood in a Fistful of Dollars ( 1964 ). I had forgotten how great a western the movie is, who would have thought pre - 1964 that Clint Eastwood would turn out be a great movie star but also a great director. Mr Eastwood is one of the last great movie actors but also a great artist, one of the best Directors in the world.

The VP Debate

BBC News: Reports on the VP Debate that will take place at 2am UK time in the USA. The elite media are never going to give Governor Palin a break, its not in their makeup. Governor Palin could be another Lady Thatcher and the TV and print media will look for reasons to attack her. The problem that Palin has is simple, she is a conservative woman, the liberal media can not accept that as a fact, thus Palin should go after the elite media, they will hate it but the conservative base will love such a dramatic move by the Governor.