Saturday, February 04, 2012

Nevada Voters

Vote FOR Romney

Vote FOR the US

Vote FOR Romney to REPEAL ObamaCare

Vote FOR Romney to DEFEAT President OBAMA


The Syrian Problem = UN

The New York Times: Reports that the latest UN Security Council Resolution on Syria has gotten a negative reaction from Russia. Thus folks the UN Security Council is not going to ACT, Russia has a veto, and the Putin Government wants to keep President Assad of Syria in power, it has economic and military reasons, it sells Arms to Syria has a warm water naval base in Syria, its only one. The Syrian people if they want freedom have to take it, the West under UN cover will not act, the Tehran Regime in Iran is supporting Syria by sending in snipers according to reports, this is hard to conform. One can see Syria falling in to a long term civil war, if this happens NATO might have to act with or without Russian support, a civil war could lead the Syrian Regime to attack Israel as a form of a diversion and to gain support. Thus with Iran and Syria its tense time in the Middle East folks.


Daily Mail: Reports that Moshe Ya'alon the Deputy PM of Israel has stated that the Tehran Regime is testing long range missiles that can hit the US. Folks the building up is developing, the US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta has stated to the US Washington Post that Israel could hit Iran between April and June of this year, as to why the Defence Secretary has stated this has caused much debate, is it a warning to Israel to back off, that wont work and will make the Oval less trusted by Israel, or is it a warning to Tehran to give up its nuclear hopes or face a Israeli strike. One gets the feeling with the Tehran Threat to close the Persian Gulf, the closing deadline before Iran becomes a nuclear armed power that something has to give, could Israel tolerate a nuclear armed Iran, NO, thus either Iran comes totally clean or Israel strikes. If Israel takes action President Obama will be in tight spot, his liberal base will want the US to be critical of Israel, if Oval takes that route in an election year its over for President Obama, he will lose the Presidency, if POTUS supports Israel then the left might not come out to vote for Obama in November, yes folks this crisis is that crucial for the Obama Presidency. Time IS ticking away folks.

US Unemployment DOWN to 8.3%

Guardian: Reports on the downturn in US unemployment, the article states the following, “ …hiring in January and bringing the unemployment rate down for the fifth month in a row, to a three-year low of 8.3%. ”. This is good news for the Oval folks, it helps the Chicago Re-Elect Committee, but and there is always a BUT, the Congressional Budget Office has predicted that by Election Day the rate will be back up to 8.9% and going over the 9% in 2013. The CBO could be wrong, but what if they are right, it should be noted that past US unemployment figures have been low due to the fact that people have given up looking for work, what happens if they come back, YES the rate goes up. The Chicago Re-Elect Committee would have loved this news in September or October of this year, but to be fair it allows the Democrats to have a story arc, they can say that Oval is turning the economy around, that voters should trust President Obama and stick with him, lets see the unemployment over the next couple of months folks.

The Coalition Government and Chris Huhne

Telegraph: Reports that the Conservatives are happy at the demise of Energy Secretary Chris Huhne, he was seen as leaking against his Conservatives Cabinet Colleagues, also his divorce caused splits within the Liberal Democrats. That’s the downside of being a maverick folks, when your popular or seen as effective you have supporters, but when the tea bags hit the fan you find your support is shallow, thus it will be interesting to see as the Trial develops and evidence comes out in Court how the Liberal Democrat leadership deals with the consequences. Lets go beyond the trial, and lets look at what happens IF, and its big IF folks the Court has a negative result for Chris Huhne, from the talking heads it seems the result could be jail time, if that happens Mr Huhen is out of the House of Commons either way, he resigns or is thrown out. This will lead to a By - Election, as the seat is a close Conservative/LibDem fight it could cause tensions between the partners in the Coalition. It could be argued that the Conservative Party could win the Seat, considering the fallout of the Case. IF found Not Guilty Mr Huhne will expect to get his Cabinet post back, that could cause problems for Mr Clegg, the Coalition Agreements the LibDems five seats in the Coalition Cabinet, someone will have to be thrown overboard, thus more tensions for the LibDems. The future might not be to bright for either the LibDems or Mr Huhne.

Huhne Trial

BBC News: Reports on today’s announcement by the Crown Prosecution Service that Chris Huhne and his ex wife, Vicky Pryce will be charged with perverting the course of justice, the allegation is that Mr Huhne transferred his car penalty points to his then ex wife. After the news broke Mr Huhne resigned as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, although Deputy PM Nick Clegg stated that should Mr Huhne be fond not guilty he could come back in to the Coalition Government this should be seen as a political promise, in other words not worth the paper its written on, the Clegg Camp although not happy with the Cabinet demise of Mr Huhne must feel somewhat less than unhappy, Mr Huhne was seen as a political threat to Mr Clegg, if a Liberal Democrat walked out of the Cabinet it was either going to be the Energy Secretary or the Business Secretary Vince Cable. Thus the Coalition Government should have more of a united front, in a odd way this helps the Liberal Democrats, there are those within the Liberal Democrats who want to point out the differences between the LibDems and the Conservative Party, but they are making a mistake, all left wing voters are going to go back to the Labour Party, thus the Liberal Democrats if they want to have a political future have to move centre right, not left, also they have to get over Europe, the LibDems might want to be run from the EU, this is not the case with the rest of the UK. This just might be a good day for the LibDems, if not so for Mr Huhne and his ex wife.