Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Syria MISTAKE by POTUS, he is following Obama with Iraq - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus as with Russia and North Korea, the Trump Oval is being weak with Syria, the threat from Daesh is not over in the view of experts and what does President Trump do, he does an OBAMA, while in Office, President Obama pull US troops out of IRAQ, this allowed for the development of Daesh and a threat to the MIDDLE EAST.   At the end of the day the US has to send troops back in to IRAQ, the very fact that Trump is acting on his own gut should be a great worry to the rest of the Trump Administration and the US Congress.   The US Cabinet and Vice - President should consider suspending POTUS, it can be argued that he is not fit for the OFFICE, US national security is coming under threat from the OVAL.  One can only hope the Russia investigation comes up with something REAL, actual links between the Trump Campaign in 2016 and Putin's Russia, otherwise the OVAL will argue with some justification that it is a Partisan hunt by the Democratic lawyers. 

Low Skilled workers - Part 2 - Brexit Update 2 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

As stated by this blog, any changes to UK migration will be done over time, the Conservative Party is the Party of business, those sectors that require low skilled workers have made it CLEAR that business would suffer if the supply of low skilled workers was stopped, this would damage the economy.   It can be postulated that those with concerns about migration will on the whole support the new policy, it gives the PR that something is being done, and is so far in the future that a Labour Government could be more open as is the present Labour Party.   The main point is that everyone will be treated the same when it comes to high skilled jobs, and those low skilled jobs will still have access to EU citizens who want work in those sectors.   At then end of the day as long as the UK controls its borders and Parliament is sovereign, the UK voter would be happy, well as happy as they ever are with our Lords and Masters. 

Migration in to the UK - Brexit Update 1 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

It can be postulated that some who voted to leave the EU in 2016 voted due to migration.  There are others who voted for the UK to be Sovereign, this blog voted leave as to allow the UK to control its own destiny, the issue of migration has become a hot topic in some of the Southern Coastal towns and others, people have seen the demographic of their towns change, in their view for ill, but change is never bad, people just have to accept change.   On the other hand if you do not listen to those that have a negative view of  migration then you push voters to the extreme Parties in the UK, no one wants to see that.     This blog on its visits to London has seen the change over time, low skilled workers in the 1990s were mostly from Asia, while in to the 21st Century you saw more people coming from Eastern Europe.    The UK needs a FAIR migration policy, this blog has heard concerns from EU citizens that they will be thrown out by the UK Government, that is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, those already here and working will no see no change, also various sectors in the UK economy need low skilled workers, you cannot just stop workers coming, that would damage the UK economy, change needs to come over time, it's about respecting the UK voter of 2016.   It can be argued that CHEAP foreign labour has to end over time, UK jobs at the lower level have to be paid more, that would attract UK citizens to take these jobs, the good old days for business is OVER.