Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Syria MISTAKE by POTUS, he is following Obama with Iraq - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus as with Russia and North Korea, the Trump Oval is being weak with Syria, the threat from Daesh is not over in the view of experts and what does President Trump do, he does an OBAMA, while in Office, President Obama pull US troops out of IRAQ, this allowed for the development of Daesh and a threat to the MIDDLE EAST.   At the end of the day the US has to send troops back in to IRAQ, the very fact that Trump is acting on his own gut should be a great worry to the rest of the Trump Administration and the US Congress.   The US Cabinet and Vice - President should consider suspending POTUS, it can be argued that he is not fit for the OFFICE, US national security is coming under threat from the OVAL.  One can only hope the Russia investigation comes up with something REAL, actual links between the Trump Campaign in 2016 and Putin's Russia, otherwise the OVAL will argue with some justification that it is a Partisan hunt by the Democratic lawyers. 

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