Wednesday, January 02, 2019

The Biden RUN in 2020 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

WE all know that the uber liberal NYT thinks its the Godfather of Liberalism, that if you do not live in the rich part of New York there is something WRONG with you, that you do not have the intelligence to understand the issues, that you are racist, you are thick.  In many ways like the London Media and political elite in London.    The NYT is VERY LIBERAL, this article shows that nearly ALL the Biden ex staff have gotten a job with some kind of foundation or is part of the Biden structure, one does wonder if the Biden staff cannot get a job anywhere else.   The NYT seems to be trying to put the fires out just in case that VP Biden does run, or foot in mouth as he is known to the rest of us.   It would not be the first attempt by Biden, he is just not that good candidate, how ever you dress him up, also is VERY OLD.   Also he has political problems from his Senate days, when he ran the Judiciary Committee and the Hill Case.   The fact that Biden leads in some polls is down to the FACT that people know the name, also the Democratic Party has gone ever further left than during the Obama Era.   The Democrats needs a young, ethnic, female candidate, but this when it gets difficult, the candidate has to be YES liberal on social issues but a SOB when it comes to defence and national security, that is NOT SENATOR WARREN, she is not even a native American, can hardly she her get on a horse and ride it and shoot arrows, one doubt she knows the front of a horse from its back!! ( THIS IS CALLED A JOKE, LIBERALS HAVE NO SENSE OF HUMOUR )  Thus if Warren is out, no matter what extreme liberals want, then what about Biden, as stated above this would be a disaster.   The Democrats must be really HARD UP,  this is not the Party of FDR, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton or even Obama, for God sake they are going to make Speaker Pelosi, the Speaker again, that will be good news for the Trump Campaign of 2020.  The fun for 2020 starts folks. 

The Warren Run in 2020 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The BBC is showing it is true colours when it comes to Pocahontas, the US Senator has claimed that she has native American ancestry, the problem is that the Indian tribe of Pocahontas has disavowed HER.   If the the BBC is going to plant its flat on who it is supporting, just come out and say it, do not claim to be objective.   This blog has NO TIME for POTUS, but it is clear about that, it wants a liberal Democrats on social issues and a SOB or hawk if you like when it comes to Foreign Policy, does any one with a brain cell think that Warren would be TOUGH when it comes to foreign policy, she would be WORSE that Trump.   Thus far the Democratic bench has not impressed, they are either OLD or to young and liberal.   I guess a Bill Clinton or former President Obama only come along once and while, the Trump Oval will make the Democratic front runners own the policy decisions of the Democratic House, of the course the new Democratic House is VERY LIBERAL, it can be postulated that they will try to impeach Trump, as long the Senate is Republican it will not happen!   Come Democrats up your game, or you will LOSE big in 2020. 

Doctor Who Review - Resolution - End of Season

Doctor Who News -  The ratings for the New Year Doctor Who Show are not yet in, will report them when they come out or check out Doctor Who News.

Let's Get Real:

This was an epic show, the Doctor faced her oldest enemy and the best, of course it was a ( Spoiler ).  The creature showed why it never goes away, almost has good as the Doctor at coming back.  The Tardis team were given great arcs, Ryan had a much needed one to one chat with his father ( great guest relationship study ), the creature used a human as a vessel, even the Doctor had trouble fighting it, the creature fought back.   A nice little line about UNIT not being around, a sly dig at Brexit, no to much, just at the right level.    The idea that the phones were out, the wi -fi out and the TV made families talk to each other!!, that was the fault of the creature.  What a major horror.   It has to to do a review without doing spoilers, if you have not watched the latest show then you should, the good Doctor is not back in till 2020.   Yes folks, it is a US Presidential Election. 

New Year Resolutions and Culture - 2019

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year, let's see if you can keep to New Year resolutions, mine was simple and the most complex, TO STOP DRINKING, I know everyone says that after a heavy New Year's Even drinking sessions but this is different.   When you are in your late 40s, well 49, do you want to be that guy who is in his 60s holding up the BAR, trying to chat up 50 year olds, God forbid if you try to chat up 20s year olds, that would be sad and so wrong, in less your a actor, pop star or VERY RICH or famous.    This blog has been drinking since it  was 21, Further Education and University can do that, if you do not you have a very restrictive social life.    It time to END the interest.  This blog could never see the point of going out and not drinking, having a half black current and water seems a bit of a bore,  also this blog has never trusted anyone that has never drinken, as if they are afraid their real self will come out.

Those that have been kind enough to read this blog, might think it has something to do with a " Saturday Incident " that this blog has mentioned, that issue has been cleared up, honour respected on both sides, and this blog has always said that the pub chained mentioned does excellent food, great staff ( on the whole ) and is a nice place to eat.   This blog is not reversing itself on the comments, but it is the New Year, the one thing with OCD is that you can go on and on about a subject, forever, those with OCD will understand, others should read up about the subject.    This blog will be more honest about OCD, it is not something that will just go away!! Also during this Festive season this blog has not been taking his tablets, NEVER TAKE TABLETS IF YOU ARE DRINKING.   As this blog is stopping drinking, with one exception, Brexit Day on March 29th, either to Celebrate at Wetherspoon's Pwllheli, the owner is a firm Brexit support or drown by sorrows that the media and political elite have stolen Brexit from the UK voter.  THAT ONE EXCEPTION, always have a Plan B.

This blog will publish more of its fictional stories, this blog has tried the GREAT NOVEL, it was rejected, it will give it something to do on Saturday when it is not drinking.   This blog is always truthful if subjective, most things are subjective.   Whatever your resolution, no more drinking, get a better job, be better to the other half, take the dog out for more walkies, try to keep to them, Let this blog know if you have been successful or have failed so far!