Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Doctor Who Review - Resolution - End of Season

Doctor Who News -  The ratings for the New Year Doctor Who Show are not yet in, will report them when they come out or check out Doctor Who News.

Let's Get Real:

This was an epic show, the Doctor faced her oldest enemy and the best, of course it was a ( Spoiler ).  The creature showed why it never goes away, almost has good as the Doctor at coming back.  The Tardis team were given great arcs, Ryan had a much needed one to one chat with his father ( great guest relationship study ), the creature used a human as a vessel, even the Doctor had trouble fighting it, the creature fought back.   A nice little line about UNIT not being around, a sly dig at Brexit, no to much, just at the right level.    The idea that the phones were out, the wi -fi out and the TV made families talk to each other!!, that was the fault of the creature.  What a major horror.   It has to to do a review without doing spoilers, if you have not watched the latest show then you should, the good Doctor is not back in till 2020.   Yes folks, it is a US Presidential Election. 

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