Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Non Friends = If Pictures could Talk!

Lets READ Lips or TRY: As overhead by an American Eagle !!

Obama: But I said 1967 borders, Nobel Winner HERE

Netanyahu: I don’t CARE, NO

O: But I am POTUS

N: Try winning Florida in 2012!

O: But I am Obama

N: So was Jimmy Carter

O: I am no Carter, OBL remember, more than Bush Got!!

N: What about Gaddafi, OR Assad ?

O: They must not have heard ME!!

N: Freud would have loved YOU, I don’t !!

O: But the Nobel?

N: They cant give you it TWICE!! Come back Bill Clinton!

Huhne and the Police

BBC News: Reports that Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has been interviewed by Essex Police over the allegation that he transferred driving penalty points. There are some interesting questions, was the Secretary of State interviewed under caution? Did he change his story from previous events of the story? Did he have back up for his story? The press will have a field day with this folks, still 6/10 that that Huhne will be forced out.

No to Hamas Talks - Israeli PM

The New York Times: Reports that the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has stated to the US Congress that Israel will not talk to the Palestinians if Hamas is part of the Deal. At the end of the day folks, it does not matter what President Obama wants, the US Congress, Republicans and Democrats will support the State of Israel. The Middle East Peace Process at the moment is not going anywhere while a terrorist Hamas is part of the process. Thus Israel should just wait Obama out, he will come to them, he will need them to bomb Iran at the end of the day. Well that kind of request in the future should come at a price, thus just wait POTUS out and make sure Israeli voters know that Israel does not have a friend in the Oval, that will be worth a few electoral votes to Republicans.

Greece will Default = Business Secretary Cable

Guardian: Reports on remarks by the Coalition Business Secretary Vince Cable that Greece will default on its sovereign debt. The Germans will go bonkers over this idea, as they hold a great deal of Greek debt as the article notes. If this is the solution then the Euro is heading the same away as the USSR, the shockwaves will make the 2008 bank bailout look like happy hour. It can be postulated that nearly all European banks have some of the Greek debt, if Greece goes bust then these banks will be heading back to their own Government for another bailout. One can say with some justification that the Euro is the banking versions of AIDS, you have HIV first, the banking collapse, you throw money to prevent near fatal banking collapse, e.g drugs to prevent AIDS, but then after all the drugs at the end of the day you get AIDS and death in the short or long term. Graphic language folks but that is the TRUTH.

Drastic CUTS = NOW

Telegraph: Reports that the Coalition Government borrowed over nine billion in April, last year it was seven billion. Folks one has to ask is the UK going through enough pain, look at Greece, Ireland, and Spain, these countries are going through massive cuts in public spending, it might be time for the Coalition to think the unthinkable, does the Government need to bring in more severe cuts, really painful cuts, that might be the only answer folks. Does the UK at the end of the day want to seek a second IMF bailout as it did in the 1970s under a Labour Government. If that humiliation is to be avoided then welfare has to be cut to the bone, why should those just out of College or University get any welfare, they have not paid in a cent in to the system. Lets think outside the box folks, before the debt box crushes the UK.

Apache Helicopters for Libya = No Decision

BBC News: Reports that the UK Coalition Government has stated in the House of Commons that no decision has been taken to send Apache Helicopters to Libya. One gets the impression that France was trying to bounce the UK in further escalation of the War in Libya. An interesting article in the Times ( pay wall ) noted that France has a kind of War Power Resolution Act that was force the President to seek a vote of approval from the French Parliament for further operations in Libya after July. Thus both France and the US have a political need for this War to be over fast, while in the UK the Coalition will face a growing opposition from the Conservative backbenches over any escalation in the War. There are Presidential Elections in France and the US in 2012, thus Gaddafi has to go before then, Obama would look like a one trick pony if Gaddafi was still in power, and Assad of Syria was still repressing his people. Thus folks expect movement on the Libyan front, more do with the political than military reasons, everything is political folks.

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier was killed on Monday in Afghanistan by an IED, the Soldier was from the “ 1st Battalion The Rifles ”. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 366 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 322 in combat action and 44 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.