Monday, February 11, 2019

The DEMOCRATS want illegal Immigration - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Are the Democrats trying to LOSE the 2020 election, the leading candidates have endorsed a socialist agenda of  Green New Deal, it would cost trillions and would never get pass the US Congress.  The main candidates are pushing for tax hikes on the rich, and medical over for ALL AMERICANS, and the removal of private health insurance.   The Trump State of Union called what the Democrats doing as socialist, what was shocking is the fact that when POTUS stated that the US would never be a socialist country, the Democrats sat on their hands.   Thus the extreme left wing has taken over the Democratic Party, if the Trump Oval could keep on message it could destroy the Democratic Party for 2020.  One only hopes that former VP Joe Biden enters the race, a grown up, but then he has started his sorry tour over his support for tough laws in the 80s and 90s.   IF the Democrats are seen as supporting illegal immigration then they can forget the rust belt States.   They Democrats are making the same mistake as military commanders fighting a new War based on the results of 2018, two years is a LONG TIME, every Presidential Election is different, the Obama Campaign team of 08 and 12 could not get HRC elected, and HRC was a moderate, liberal on domestic issues but tough on foreign policy.   The papers and networks that give Democratic candidates air time, the ones with no chance of winning, are defrauding their customers, the political reports who write about them, should give back their reporters degrees and refund their paychecks, they are not doing their job.   IF the US Government shuts down again, the Trump Oval should keep it CLOSED, make the case that the Democrats are more interested in illegal immigrants that legal Americans. 

PM May agrees to talks with Jeremy Corbyn over Brexit - Brexit Update 2 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The PRO Remain Sky News sees the acceptance of talks by the PM as her softening her RED LINES.   Also it could be seen that the PM is reminding her HARD BREXIT supporters if they want to see Brexit they have to support her.   It has been argued that the PM is playing for time, that she is either looking for the House of Commons to pass her DEAL or she is seeking a NO DEAL Brexit.   The PM is keeping her cards close to her chest, she is keeping her HARD REMAINERS and HARD BREXIT MPs in line so far, will they bolt on Thursday on give her most time, the various groups it can be postulated will set down various Amendments for Thursday, will the PM and the Government defeat them, or will the House of Commons take control of Brexit.

PM May replies to Jeremy Corbyn - Brexit Update 1 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The letter from the PM to the Leader of the Opposition has split some of the papers, one sees it as a firm NO from the PM, while others see it as the PM moving for a Soft Brexit.  The meaningful vote on the withdrawal agreement could come at the end of March, of course the HARD REMAINERS will try on Thursday to thwart Brexit.   One wonders what the Remain Cabinet Ministers and the Ministers of State to, will they resign and vote with the Opposition, will they undermine the PM.   The PM should consider sending the Houses of Parliament in to Recess and run the Government through Royal Decree.   There is NO WAY that 650 MPs can decide foreign policy, the HARD REMAINERS just want to STOP Brexit, in this they will be helped by a bias Speaker.   The HARD BREXIT supporters have to get the prize of the UK out of the EU, they can get what they want after May has a successor at No 10.