Wednesday, November 17, 2010

UK BAILOUT of Ireland ?

The Daily Mail: Reports that the UK could make direct loans to Ireland outside the EU/IMF loans. In many respects as the article points out if Ireland goes belly up then the UK will be in a major economic depression, the UK has billion pounds invested in Ireland, if the Irish default the UK taxpayer takes a major hit, but if we bailout out Ireland it can be expected that the Queen is given a great welcome should she visit Ireland next year, also what about making Prince William King of Ireland, that’s worth a few billion off the interest for the loans, if we charge Ireland any interest, as we cant afford Ireland to go broke the money will be given on the idea that the UK taxpayer never gets it back, thus expect a great supportive turnout next year for the State Visit of the Queen.

The Debt Markets vs. Ireland

Telegraph: Reports that the economic markets are not impressed by the stalling tactics of Ireland. It could get a lot worse for Ireland if it delays with the EU bailout of its economy, and more important for the UK it could cost the UK taxpayer more if the Irish have to be bullied in to taking the bailout. Its ironic but by stalling Ireland could have a very serious effect on the economies of Portugal and Spain, they could go over a cliff. The Irish should take the money and get over the political humiliation, the UK in the 1970s went through a similar process with the IMF, you learn your lessons and move on.

Irish Bailout ? If and When

BBC News: Reports that Ireland has not asked for a formal bailout, but will have talks about talks about a bailout. While Ireland talks the EURO could fall over a cliff, the worry about the Irish has caused the cost of borrowing to go up for such countries as Portugal and Spain, as the New York Times noted yesterday all three Countries might need to be bailed out as the same time, how much would that cost the UK taxpayer, thus far it looks like the UK will give Ireland between 6-7 Billion pounds, what are the chances that the UK will ever get it back, it seems that the Irish don’t want the public humiliation of turning over their economic sovereignty to the EU, but as the banks and the politicians of Ireland have bankrupted the nation, it might be in the interest of Ireland for EU to be in charge of the Irish State.

The New Power in Washington D.C vs. President Obama

White House: Reports that a planned meeting between Republican Congressional Leaders and the President has to be rescheduled. Due to other more important meetings that the Republicans have at the moment. This shows how the power has shifted in the Beltway folks, the Oval has to wait in till the Republicans have their Agenda agreed, this Agenda is not the OBAMA Agenda. The first issue will the be the Bush 43 tax cuts, the Republicans want ALL Americans to keep the tax cuts the Oval wants just those earning up to two hundred and fifty thousand to keep the tax cuts. As President Obama is planning for his Re - Election Campaign of 2012 he can not afford to be seen as a tax raiser in a recession thus he will have to cave to Republican demands for all the Bush 43 tax cuts to be kept in place. This will send former Speaker Pelosi in to a tail spin of left wing anger, but this might help POTUS, if he is seen as taking on his base this will look good to moderate and even some moderate Republicans, as a President once said, elections have consequences.