Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Cameron on New EU Treaty ?

BBC News: Reports that the UK Coalition PM David Cameron has stated that he would not sign a new EU Treaty if UK interests, such as the single market and the City London were not protected from a Euro fiscal union. The Ace that PM Cameron has even if there is no full EU Treaty is the fact that Germany and France want to use EU Institutions to regulate their Eurozone, thus the UK could make demands that safeguard the above, PM Cameron has to face the fact that he is the leader of the Conservative Party, not the Liberal Democrats. In 1922 Conservative backbench MPs bought down the last Conservative/Liberal Coalition, any Conservative leader has to be wary of his/her MPs, they will stab you in the back if they think its in their interest, just ask Lady Thatcher.

Irish Austerity and the Eurozone

The New York Times: Reports that 40,000 thousand people have left Ireland due to the wreck of an Irish economy. The Irish Government as the article states has been praised by Germany and France for its tough austerity package, but this has come on the back of massive cuts in the public sector through wages being cut and cuts in government spending, tax hikes, and as the article notes the common theme is that the Irish are living week by week. Thus while the Germans and French might be smiling it’s the Irish that are paying the costs for this austerity. A friend of this blog in Ireland states that there is constant worry about employment and the costs of every day living.