Telegraph Live - Euro Crisis: Reports in its 2.38pm post that the leader of the Greek Syriza bloc,
Alexis Tsipras has stated that a Greek exit from the Euro would destroy the Euro.
Lets Get Real:
It is clear that Mr Tsipras is playing high stakes politics, his radical left bloc it can be assumed never expected to come 2nd in the May General Election, the bloc must know think it has the chance to come 1st in the General Election. The Party is playing Russian Roulette with the future of Greece, the UK PM David Cameron has made it clear that Greece has a choice, either vote for the Parties that support the austerity deal or accept that a vote for anti austerity Parties is a vote for Greece to leave the Euro. The Greeks are being blackmailed, its very direct, either the Greek voter accepts years of austerity or they are on their own. Thus Greece could fall apart, this is high stakes politics at its most brutal, either way Greece will suffer, its just the amount of pain it will suffer, there are no easy ways out for Greece, that's the sad part for the good people of Greece.