Monday, August 06, 2012

Money - Mothers Milk of US Politics

The Hill: Reports that the Republican Nominee Governor Mitt Romney and Republican National Committee has out raised in donations President Obama and Democratic Party in July, Romney raised 101.3 million while Obama raised 75 million.

Lets Get Real:

The Obama Camp has been raising money but its been spending its faster, it has gone for the 1996, 2004 play book of Bill Clinton and Bush 43, it has tried to define Romney before the National Conventions and his choice of VP. This means that in the latter months of the Campaign that Romney will have more cash on hand, this could be of great benefit to Romney and the Republicans in getting out the vote for November and buying adverts in swing States. The Obama Strategy has worked so far, in swing States POTUS has a lead, but will that last when the Republicans let lose their adverts, they will have the money to change the picture of the Campaign, the election is not over folks, lets recall we have the debates. If the election was today you would have to give the nod to Obama, but that is based on the polls in the swing States, do you trust these polls, this blog has found that that samples of these polls over represent Democrats and African Americans, and even then the race is close. Thus its not over in till the fat elephant sings folks.

Never TRUST the LibDems - UK Coalition Government in Crisis

Telegraph: Reports that the UK Coalition Deputy PM Nick Clegg has stated that the Liberal Democrats will oppose boundary changes for Parliamentary Seats in the 2015 election because the Conservative Party has not supported House of Lords reform.

Lets Get Real:

The Liberal Democrats have show their true colour, YELLOW, they have shown they are not a Party of their word, the Coalition deal gave the LibDems a vote of PR in exchange for a vote to reduce the number of MPs in the House of Commons, and to give Parliamentary Seats equal voters. The breaking of the deal by the LibDems should make PM David Cameron throw in the towel when it comes to the Coalition, he should sack the LibDems Cabinet Ministers, and run a minority Conservative Government, it should move to the radical right, this is the time to play hard ball with the LibDems, if they want to act like selfish children, well send them to their room and run the House as it should be run, in a Conservative manner.

Syrian PM Defects - Major Blow to Assad Regime

BBC News: Reports that the Syrian PM Riad Hijbab and his family have defected to Jordan, the Assad Regime stated he has been sacked.

Lets Get Real:

This does have echoes of Tsarist Russia at the end, the top does not understand that the structure that kept the Regime above water is going rotten day by day, how long can President Assad trust his Ministers or Army, could Assad have the same fate as Gaddafi of Libya, or Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, it might be a only a matter of time, the Russians Foreign Office will be planning how to get rid of Assad and get in to the good books with the rebels, it wants to keep its only warm water Port, they might be to late for such a move, on the other hand the West should be wary, some excellent reporting by the The Times of London has shown that the rebels are formed by different groups, those seeking democracy and those with links to crime and terrorists structures. Thus folks decay will wither the Assad Regime, it just depends on the level of blood spilled.