Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Security Abroad, Security Home, Republicans are Security

If you are a Republican it is time to get the good news out, no attack on the United States since 2001, no attack on American interest since then either, no Embassy attacks, no attacks on American Ships on the High Seas. The economy is great, low unemployment, more tax money coming in to the government. The Country is at war with a Terrorist body that if it had its way would destroy Western Civilisation, the call should be, not a time of change, it is more simple, does the United States want a Speaker that is from San Francisco and is therefore more Liberal that most people on the face of this earth. A government that will add to your taxes, would if UBL was ever caught, want him tried will all the rights of an American. If a MAJOR terrorist attack were about to happen would they support or oppose the use of extreme methods to gain the information.

Think after January, a Democrat win, Higher Taxes, cut and running form Iraq, repel of the Bush Tax cuts, allow more rights for Terrorists, would oppose any military action to deal with Iran, would try to impeach George W. Bush. The Democrats once in power would use everything to stay in Power, does the United States want another House of Representatives, which the Democrats control for 40 years.

The Call should be simple, security abroad, security home, Republicans are security.

The Politics of Scandal

Here are a few interesting articles on the recent Congressional Scandal:

Time: Click here

Newsweek: Click here

Slate: Click here : This is interesting as the perception that the seat is lost to the Republicans might not be a fore gone deal.

Slate: Click here

Washington Post: Click here

Washington Times: Click here

The Future of the Speaker of the House is in question, when did he know and what did he do, an interesting Interview to read, Click here