The New York Times: Reports " President Trump came under withering attack on Thursday from some of his strongest supporters, who were outraged and unforgiving about his decision to set aside, for now, a fight over building the border wall he has long promised as part of a deal with Democrats on legislation to protect young, undocumented immigrants. "
Lets Get Real:
President Trump won the election on the promise that he would get things done, that he was an expert deal maker. The Republicans who control Congress have failed to get a deal over ObamaCare, the President's approval ratings are in the tank, no President has been this unpopular at the start of his term in the modern age, so Trump has gone to the Democrats, they tend to vote lock stock and barrel with their leadership. On the issue of DACA, the President is doing the right thing at last, the more ideological Conservative Republicans are going through the roof, they have failed to understand that Trump is not a true blue Reagan Republican, the only thing that matters to Trump is Trump, the Republican Party can go to hell. The question is will there be more deals, the Democrats have pressed the Russian issue, they might find that they end up with a Conservative President Pence, just as they are making deals with Trump. An issue that the Republicans will face will be tax cuts, can they get united on that issue, or will Trump go with the tax hiking Democrats.