Daily Mail: Reports " The UK does not want fishing to be linked to trade because it fears the EU could use a fishing dispute to suspend parts of the trade deal. "
Lets Get Real:
The EU is playing games, its knows that if Boris sells out on fish he will be finished as leader of the Conservative Party, it would be better for the UK and for Boris to walk away from the talks. The EU is seeking by the backdoor to regulate UK law in the future. At least the sides have agreed to remove a deadline, it was becoming a FARCE of the first order. The last deadline is the 31st of December, after that the UK returns to WTO rules or Oz rules as often use by the PM. One can see the Remain pressure groups and individuals getting their knickers in a twist at the thought that we will be outside the reach of the EU. That time can not come fast enough, we are not a colony of the EU.