The New York Times: Reports on the reaction by Republicans to the amnesty move by President Obama, "... the party is sharply divided about whether to shut down the government or seek Mr. Obama’s impeachment in an effort to stop the executive actions from moving forward. "
Lets Get Real:
IF the Republicans really want to go down this road they should play hardball, after the Mid Terms they control both the House and Senate, lets for starters refuse to confirm any Obama's candidates for Administrative posts, and since the Congress decides when it goes in to recess it should not, thus no chance Obama can make recess appointments. Then the Republicans should close down the Government and pass ACTS that it wants and leave it up to the Oval to veto them, make Obama the issue, then the Republican House should vote for an impeachment hearing in to the Obama Administration, lets recall its full of Chicago Pols, lost count of how many politicians from Chicago have served time, let see what comes out. Then the Senate in combination with the House should have a joint Committee in to the deaths of the US Ambassador in Libya and other Americans in Libya. If you want to make the Oval have regrets make sure it spends 24/7 having to deal with Congressional hearings. President Obama thinks he has had bad time so far, the Republicans should make it worse, let there be a price for Obama for being an elitist , make POTUS wish for January 20th 2017 every day of his Presidency.