Thursday, November 20, 2014

IRAN is conning the West - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

The Obama Oval wants a deal at any cost, it will even take a bad deal so it can state it ended the conflict between the US and Iran.  President Obama has offered his hand many times to the Tehran Regime and has gotten sand thrown in his face.   In the latest talks it is France that has shown some backbone, it wants a real deal, the French know that Obama will be gone in 2017, at least the French have learned the mistakes of Neville Chamberlain, it seems the Obama Oval has forgotten them, recall how tough Obama was on Syria and then didn't do a darn thing, he was forced to act in the present Wars in Syria and Iraq because IS beheaded Americans on the Internet. The hardliners in Tehran know that Obama has no stomach for a War, they are just pushing his buttons for a PR DEAL. 

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