Monday, September 02, 2019

Blair vs. Corbyn on Election Timing - Brexit Update 3 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

The Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn has been calling for an election for months, he can hardly turn it down NOW, thus tomorrow is a sideshow, the House of Commons will vote to extend Brexit and give even more power to the EU to decide if they give one and for how long.   No PM worth his or her salt would be able to abide this, you can not have 650 MPs telling the Government to give up power to the EU, this is an abdication by the HARD REMAINERS and shows their true colours.  Once they vote against the Government, the Conservative MPs should have the whip removed, one is sure they will get cushy jobs from the EU, who else will hire them, they have shown they are disloyal to the UK and prefer the EU, well let them go and live in Paris and Berlin, they do not care about the UK voter.   They are NOT DEMOCRATS. 

EU Rebels HARD POWER TO THE EU - Brexit Update 2 - General Election 2019

Let Get Real:

One does wonder how the Rebels with HONOUR walk in to the House of Commons and give the future of Brexit down to the EU. In the rebels Bill the EU would have the final say, did the armed forces of the UK die in to World Wars and Korea so that the decision for the future of the UK should be down to Berlin and Paris.   The ardent REMAINERS have lost the plot, one doubts they ever understood the plot, how will Labour MPs from leave seats explain to their voters that they defied the Brexit vote of 2016 and give the future of the UK over to the EU.   The forthcoming General Election can not come fast enough!!.

UK General Election on the 14th of October - Brexit Update 1 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

Thus tomorrow around 20/30 Conservative MPs will commit political suicide by voting for a Labour motion to delay Brexit, the PM has been clear if that happens then he will call for the House of Commons to grant a General Election.  By the Fixed Term Parliament act, TWO THIRDS of MPs must agree, Comrade Corbyn has been asking for an election, thus he can hardly turn it down.   The result for the Conservatives will be to get rid of the HARD REMAINERS within the Conservative Party, the Conservative whip will be removed, thus making sure that they can not be be selected as a candidate to be a Conservative MP in the forthcoming general election.  The HARD REMAINERS have forgotten once you remove the term MP after their and they are thrown out of the Party, they will have to fight as an Independent candidate without a Party structure to support them.  If they lose, and it can be expected they will, who cares what they think, they will be famous in their own house!