CNN - Political: Reports the following on the Benghazi talking points scandal, internal emails show that the " the White House and State Department were more involved than they first said in the decision to remove an initial CIA assessment that a group with ties to al Qaeda was involved,.. ".
Lets Get Real:
The Oval must be hopping that there are no more political bombshells to come, even Democrats are going to have a hard time to spin the Oval line that there is no scandal, in the general course of events Governments spin events, this is different, no one died in Watergate, four brave Americans died in Libya, no one from the Oval down came to rescue them, and worse it seems that President Obama and Secretary Clinton were economic with the truth ( they lied ) to the US people, to the families of those that died, they for days stated that the attack was down to a vile video, that was NOT TRUE, they knew it was NOT TRUE, this was about getting through the election, the uber liberal media did not pressure the the Campaign or the Oval, now they have to do something, or least fake it, thus expect some of the elite to media to dig, with the hope there is no other scandals, at the end of the day the old press, new websites need readers, otherwise they are just seen as White House press statements. The House Republicans should zero in on the Clinton Staff and work their way up, people want careers, they will not lie under oath for the Oval and Clinton, build slow and then get Clinton under oath, the spin war starts folks.