Sunday, March 15, 2015

Oval Office, Iran vs. The US Congress - Iran Crisis

Lets Get Real:

It seems that the Oval Office and the Guardian do not understand the US Constitution, any deal between the US and Iran that is not passed by the US Congress can be over turned over by the next President.  If the POTUS wants the deal to stick he has to take it to the Congress, if he tries the UN route then the Congress could veto it anyway, US law is clear on this issue.   The Obama Oval can taste this deal, but what the Oval is not asking, is it a good deal.   The Tehran Regime can not be trusted, any deal will be a smoke screen for them to get the bomb within a few years.   The Republicans should hold their course, as a young President once said to the effect, elections have results, if you lose the Senate and the House your in trouble, the US Congress is an equal branch of Government, it would be a fool or someone who spent only a few years in the Senate to think he could go around the US Constitution.

The Whole Truth on Benghazi - Email Scandal 4- 2016 Race

Lets Get Real:

The Democrats have to be careful, the Clintons and the truth have an odd relationship, in the case of Bill down right different from the rest of us.   The House Select Committee would not be doing its job if it just took the word of the Clintons.  Lets get real here, if it was the other way around the Democrats would be ALL OVER THIS ISSUE, its just this time its the Clintons again.   The Democrats need to be supportive as they do not have another candidate for President, but not to close in case the Clinton Campaign goes down in flames.  One can assume that the Clintons at the end of the day will be forced to hand over their private server, if its clean, then the Democrats can attack the Republicans, BUT here is the point, it has to be clean, would you bet on that when it comes to the Clintons.   Never place ALL your eggs in one basket, a basket might fall and destroy your eggs or campaign. 

Democrats vs. House Select Committee on Libya - Email Scandal 3

Lets Get Real:

The Democrats have gotten their knickers in a right twist, the Republican House Select Committee should play the LONG GAME, it should drag out the process, it should not rush to get the Clinton server, it works for the Republicans that the Clinton Camp is holding on to the server, very Richard Nixon.    The Select Committee should call Secretary Clinton at the end of the year, make it last a few days, keep the questions narrow and to the point, ALL about LIBYA and the private Server.   The Democrats want to protect their candidate no matter the cost to the US or the voter.   Time for the Republicans to play hardball, the Chicago way. 

NYT Hates the Clintons - Email Scandal Part 2 - 2016 Race

Lets Get Real:

The uber liberal NYT does not like the Clintons, it really wants another Obama, well that is not on the cards, so while the NYT will support Hillary Clinton if she gets the nomination its not based love in the heart, it based on the readership of the NYT being liberal and thus there is no else to support.   The Clintons really need to get their act together, this blog has made it clear if the Republicans do not nominate Jeb Bush it will support Hillary Clinton, but and here is the but, the Clintons have to learn that the rules that run every other person also falls on them.   The Clintons play word games and think because they are liberal, as the article notes they can do what ever they like, well sorry to upset them but they are like the rest of us poor plebs, there should not be different rules for the rich and powerful.    It will be interesting to see how the Clintons get out of this mess without turning over their private server. 

The Republican House vs. Hillary Clinton - 2016 Race

Lets Get Real:

This is a great issue for the Republicans, the Clintons will not want their secret emails out there, one is given them the benefit of the doubt up to a point, it can not be the Clintons alone who decide what is a private and what is public.   The House Chairman has stated that he will be forced to call Hillary Clinton twice before his committee, the first hearing will be about her private server and then the second one will be about Libya.    The House Select Committee will want the emails of her private staff to see if Libya comes up in any email.   The Republicans should hold fire in till the end of the year, call Hillary Clinton before Iowa or N.H.   The Clintons if they are smart will allow a third party to check the server, otherwise this issue will not go away and will become an issue in the 2016 campaign.