Sunday, June 07, 2020

All LIVES MATTER - Update 2 - Race in the UK

Lets Get Real:

The Police forces around the Country should refuse to allow any protests, the UK is still in lockdown, and protests by its very definition means groups of people who are not 2 meters apart. Thus the protesters are breaking the law, and causing criminal damage to statues, if you want them removed, stand for election, the criminal acts of the last few hours show how out of control the protesters have become. In the days ahead the Police need to be out, trounches on hand to protect LAW AND ORDER. This is not 1968 or the poll tax revolt, these criminal protesters are mindless thugs who should be arrested and thrown in jail.

All LIVES MATTER - Race in the UK

Lets Get Real:

The protesters should be arrested, they are breaking down lockdown, thus more cases of the virus and deaths, will they care if they kill more people, also they are doing criminal damage to statues.   The Police should NOT ALLOW mass demonstrations if those protesting can not behave, they should send for the Paddy wagon to throw these protesters in jail, the Guardian/BBC types will never call them out on it, also lets get REAL, they defaced a statue of Winston Churchill, who in May 1940 defended Western Democracy against those that wanted to appease Hitler and got the UK ready to fight World War 2.  These mobs are to well arganised, they should be investigated by Special Branch and MI5.  Law and order must be returned to the streets.