Guardian Live - Syria: Reports in its 5.10pm post the following, " There “is no new military planning effort underway with regard to Syria,” Pentagon press secretary George Little said in a statement...".
Lets Get Real:
This is why folks the Assad Regime thinks it can get away with mass murder, the death toll in Syria is now between eighty and a hundred thousand, there are reports of mass murders by the Assad Regime and the use of chemical weapons, and the Oval does NOTHING, at least the UK and France are ready to arm the rebels, the Syrian Civil War is causing havoc in the region, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq are under threat and could start or return to Civil War. In fact it can be argued that Iraq is in a low scale civil war at the present, the internal stability of Jordan under threat due to the number of Syrian refugees, and Lebanon after coming out of Civil War is starting to return, thus folks the lack of US leadership is getting people killed, what this blog would not give for another JFK or Reagan in the Oval at this moment. The Oval is leading from behind, yes its called under the desk.