Telegraph Live - Egypt: Reports the following in its 10.19pm post, " Armed supporters of Mr Morsi have stormed North Sinai's provincial headquarters in the town of El-Arish after a gunfight and raised the black banner of Islamist militants.. ".
Lets Get Real:
This is the threat folks, that Egypt will become another Syria, think of that folks, the Syrian Civil War has seen a death toll of a hundred thousand, the use of chemical weapons, Syrian refugees overwhelming Jordan, causing problems in Lebanon, Iraq, the growing power of Iran in the region, this leads to Israel coming under threat in the near future. What if Al Qaeda gets a base in Egypt, this will return the Region to the bad days of the late 60s and 70s, Israel would be under constant threat from the Countries on its borders, but also with the added threat of Al Qaeda in to the mix, thus folks the Islamic threat has to be crushed, wiped out, otherwise the Oval will have a nightmare three years and half, look how old Jimmy Carter looked due to the Iran hostage crisis of 1979 - 81, President Obama already looks old, does he want to look ancient in 2017.