Thursday, November 17, 2016

When Trump MEET Obama - For the historical record

Why HRC and the Democrats LOST in 2016

Lets Get Real:

The above might be true, but have the rust belt States made a mistake, how can President Trump bring back jobs, is he going to throw out NAFTA, and other trade deals, even if he does this, will it bring back jobs, one has doubts.   The only way to attract jobs is to make the USA business friendly, cut taxes, make US companies want to build factories in the rust belt, make it a tax plus if they do, for companies that will not move back to the US the Trump Administration should bring in negative taxes against these companies, make the shareholders pay for any slow movement.    The old heavy industries are not cost effective in the US, that is why they are abroad, modern Western workers want less work and more pay, while developing countries are just happy to have the jobs.    This could be a long process.   On the culture side the President - Elect has made it clear that he is happy with gay marriage, and that it is settled LAW.   ON abortion he wants the States to decide, so a woman might have to go to another State for an abortion.   In fact those women who want an abortion in Northern Ireland have to go to England for the operation.   The President - Elect has been clear about this from the start, so religious voters must have been aware, does the economy trump faith, it is an interesting question, have religious voters accepted same sex marriage as a civil right, that would be positive development.

The Democratic Party needs to move to the centre ground, otherwise it might find it wins the popular vote in future elections but loses the White House prize.   It should be note that this has happened twice in the 21st Century, in the 2000 election and this year, it could become quite frequent if the Democrats do not understand what happened in 2016.

Bill Clinton on the 2016 Election - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The former President knowns how to win elections, he is a former Two term President, thus it is interesting to note that the was seen as old hat by the 2016 Campaign.   It can be argued from their perspective that the 2016 cycle was different from 1992 and 1996, and the data showed that minority voters would push HRC over the line, well in fact it did not happen.   There is a simple answer to this, Trump went to rust belt States and asked for their votes, even President Obama has stated that Democrats have to visit everywhere, they can not just forget the fly over States.  In time the minority population will be the majority, even then they liked to be asked for their vote, assuming people will vote one way is quite racist in a way.  People are People, and it's nice to be asked for your vote, even if you are voting for the other side.

Hillary Clinton AFTER the Election - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Hillary Clinton looks still in shock by the election result, when you have spent your entire life seeking the Presidency and to lose it but still win the popular vote must VERY hard, the question is what next for HRC.   The blog would suggest a few months off then seek another job, Governor of New York or a return to the Senate.  Is this really the end of the Clintons when it comes to American politics?