Wednesday, January 07, 2009

POTUS - Rear View Mirror

: Reports how the passage of History has been kind to the former Presidents. How in some cases the public have a better view of their Administrations than at the time. How Jimmy Carter's record can look less than a disaster is beyond this commentator. Lets see what the Obama ratings are after four years, he has a lot of Domestic and Foreign Policy problems that will become his problems on 20th January 2009 at 12pm.

Congressional Black Caucus and President Obama

The New York Times: Reports on the future relationship between the House of Represetatives Black Caucus and the first African - American President. This will be interesting test for President Obama, he didn't run on race and thus he wants to get re- elected in 2012, the House is always running, Obama has to be the President of the United States not the President of the Black Caucus, it can be argued in pure political terms that it would be good if Obama got in to dust up with the House Black Caucus, it would show that his interests are beyond just the matter of race. The President - Elect has many Domestic and Foreign Policy problems, it can be argued that the Congressional Black Democrats often run of white guilt over civil rights, it was correct argument to run in the past, not now, its a new day folks, so some advice to the Caucus, extend your interests, the poor are not just black they are all colour, when your at the bottom of the ladder its not about colour is about getting to the of the week and putting food on the table. The Caucus cant use guilt on Obama to get there agenda, thus if they are to be relevant today not ten years ago or forty years ago, change should be their mantra, help all people and don't expect any favours from Obama. Obama is a canny politician, he will run against Congress if he needs to, thus new day and new politics. Read of the Day.

Exclusive Club - Oval Office and POTUS

Telegraph: Has an article on Bill Clinton getting the last word in public before the former Presidents had private talks. This should be a warning to Obama, what is Bill Clinton going to be like with Hillary Clinton at the State Department, how many rock stars can there be in any Administration, there could be two Elvis's in the building. It must have felt ironic for Bill Clinton this meeting, it was not meant to be this way, it was suppose to follow a different script, it was meant to be Hillary Clinton the first woman President of the United States not the first African - American President. Have to admit Ronald Reagan was still the best POTUS.


BBC News: Reports on the meeting between President George W. Bush and President - Elect Obama and other former Presidents of the United States. Lets hope President - Elect Obama does not follow the disastrous example of President Jimmy Carter in Foreign Policy and the domestic failure of Bush 41, thus his defeat by President Clinton in 1992. Thus it can be postulated that Obama needs the deftness of touch of Bush 41 when it comes to Foreign Policy and the domestic skills of Bill Clinton when dealing with the Congress. The last big meet of all the former Presidents was in 1981 when President Ronald Reagan sent them on a Diplomatic Mission to Egypt, in 1981 the line up was Nixon, Ford, Carter and President Reagan.