Lets Get Real:
The election is over folks, and of course its not, the Oval thinks it has a mandate for tax hikes and the Republican House was re-elected to block any such tax hikes. The issue will define the Obama 2nd term. In the 80's President Reagan struck important domestic deals with a very Democratic House. Lets see if Obama.2 can be LBJ/Reagan and work with the Opposition. Lets get to the politics, President Obama has a few months on the domestic agenda, after that he does not matter, the House will be seeking re-election in 2014, the Republican Districts are not going re-elect a House member that deals with Obama over tax hikes. The left will have to take hard cuts in the welfare state, that will be hard for the liberal left and NYT. Lets see if the US Government can work, or is it down the path of Roman and the British Empire, destroyed from within, and with a currency that is debased, that become worthless. Lets see who leads folks.