Sunday, June 26, 2011

UK Treasury = UK Banks and Greece

Guardian: Reports that the UK Treasury in effect wants to UK banks to take losses on the Greece debt. Folks, if this is the case then Greece had defaulted on its debt, any debts that are written off or reduced is a default, also it’s a game, the Greek economy has hit its Iceberg, it’s the Titanic going down, and any rescue is a drunken vision. The UK banks cant afford to take these debts write off for Greece, the banks should say NO, because folks you can count on this, the banks will go back to the Government and demand a bailout for reducing the debt of Greece, thus the tax payer will have to bailout the banks again, banks sell your debt, ditch Greece.

Summer of Discontent = Heath or Thatcher Model

Telegraph: Reports that the Coalition Government will introduce tougher Union laws should there be a summer of public sector strikes, one of the reforms would be the need for a threshold of support for strikes, from 40% to 50% of the work force. The Coalition can either go for the Edward Heath model and that is defeat to the Unions, or the Lady Thatcher model and win, the Thatcher Government broke the National Union of Mineworkers, thus finished forever the power of Unions to bring Governments down, this new clash is based on the fact that public sector unions care more about the pensions of their members than the fact that the world has changed, the pensions of public sector employers is richer than those for the private sector, the general population lives longer, thus the need to make the retirement age higher, lets be honest folks the age that you should get a pension should be around 70, that’s the way its going, it will be that figure within 30 to 40 years. Thus the Coalition Government should follow the Reagan example, President Reagan gave air traffic controllers a choice either get back to work or your fired, they thought he was bluffing, bad mistake, they got fired. If the Unions want another 1926, give it to them, ask non union members to take over those jobs that Unions don’t want, also threat to revoke the pensions of those that go on strike, break the Unions, make them hurt, make them get real.

Huhne on Tape

BBC News: Reports that the Sunday Times has been ordered to hand over a tape that has allegedly the Energy Secretary Chris Huhne discussing with his estranged wife the details of transfer of car penalty points. The Liberal Democratic leader Nick Clegg must have a smile on his face at the moment, both Huhne and the Cable have self exploded and are not a threat to his leadership, either way Clegg wins, if Huhne is cleared he has to much scandal attached to his name, if Huhne is charged then he is out of the Cabinet and Parliament, win either way, that is hard ball politics folks.