Friday, November 01, 2013

Senate Democrats KILLED your Health Plan - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

Thus even the liberal CNN is turning on Congressional Democrats, and the Oval, at the end of the day if millions of Americans are losing their health plan the main elite liberal media has to cover the fact, even if they they support the plan, thus those House and Senate Democrats that voted to kill the health plans of their voters will face a blow back, it will be worse if the ObamaCare website is not fixed by the end of the November and the IRS starts to tax people for something that may want but can not get, this will be a major issue in 2014.   If the ObamaCare website is not working by the end of the year and there is price shock with the plans expect Congressional Democrats to want a delay, they want to get re-elected, and they will not go down the political toilet with President Obama. 

41% Job Approval for POTUS - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll on the job approval for President Obama, today POTUS has a " 41% job approval rating, while 51% of Americans disapprove of the Obama record. ".

Lets Get Real:

The US Government shut down helped the Democrats, the Republicans took the political hit, now that ObamaCare has started and millions of Americans have been thrown off their health plan the Democrats are getting the political hit.   The lower the Obama ratings go the harder it will be for the Oval to take on the House Republicans, they on the whole are in safe Seats, their voters are never going to support a Democrat. The ObamaCare website is supposed to be fixed by November 30th, lets see if that happens, then people will get shock at the price of new health care plans.   It has been reported that there have only been thousands of people getting ObamaCare, the question is will this rise, and it will be the right people, younger and healthier Americans, if young Americans do not join then ObamaCare will crumble from within, the House Republicans will not give an extra dime for ObamaCare, thus what will fund it, the Democrats if they believed in God would be on their knees praying for this work, otherwise they face massive political defeat in 2014.   That will be joy folks.