Sunday, December 06, 2015

POTUS on the War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

It has been reported on Fox News that there was tension between the White House and the FBI as to what to call the Californian killings, it seems that the FBI did not buckle to White House pressure, the Oval has been spinning that the Daesh has been contained and that the Obama Oval has prevented other attacks, well now the other shoe has dropped, what will President Obama say, how does give the impression that he is on the ball without giving the impression that he was blind sided by the attack. The US voter wants its President to have his finger on the pulse of the Country and abroad, so far Obama has gotten away with his spin that he had defeated terrorism, that kind spin never lasts. 

Doctor Who Review - Hell Bent

Lets Get Real:

This is episode is what Doctor Who should be about, throwing the rule book out of the window, having the Doctor be a rebel and a hero, even it he did fire a gun and make a fellow Time Lord regenerate, and had a nice line afterwards, death to a Time Lord is like the flu.  Of course this episode was a double headers, with the Doctor in fine rebellion form and Clara is back, your never dead in Sci - Fiction, as this blog is not a story spoiler, all that can be said is that its the Doctor vs Time Lords and even TIME ITSELF.  One should mention that Lady Me is back, also in fine form, she does become a companion, but not to the Doctor.  The end, is sad but also uplifting, the Doctor loses Clara but the Sci Fiction has a new female lead for a spin off, after seeing the show, lets start a campaign to see Clara have her own show.