Monday, June 22, 2015

The Greek Trojan Fudge - Greek Crisis

Telegraph - Live Blog: Reports in its 5.18pm post the following,  " What's in the Greek deal?
Lets Get Real:
Thus another fake deal by the EU, the other Countries who have been in trouble or will be in trouble will ask for more money with even less restrictions, the Germans by taking this deal have agreed to become the BANK FOR THE EU, money out and no money back in, they become an economic empire but with the outcome that they will have to support left wing governments in other Countries making promises based on money from the Germans.   The Germans have tied themselves to a dead donkey who died of drinking to much welfare. 

Greece LIVES for a day - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Another EU fudge, this issue is being kicked in to the long grass again, it will back to haunt the EU and Greece.  The EU can not face the real world, the EURO can not work with Greece and other poor Countries in it, the Germans benefit at the cost of others, nothing new there!   The problem with the Euro is that it is a political project, J.R Ewing would have closed down Greece ages ago as the cost to the whole was not the worth the effort.    Thus we for another crisis down the line, poor EU for having poor leaders and just poor Greece for being poor  Greece. 

Greece is in the DOCK - Greek Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Please EU finish this mess for Greece, the Country is an economic basket case of the first order, time to cut the cord and let Greece leave the Euro.   The economic ramifications will be bad for the rest of the Eu and Euro Countries but not as bad as five years ago when we first faced this mess.   The Greeks HAVE become dependent on the State and to think this was the Country that gave the history the Trojan horse, were have the intelligent leaders gone, poor, time to find your proper place within the Eu and Euro, at the end of the day Greece could become a province of Germany, if the Germans pay the piper they should get the assets, that means Greece the whole lot.