Friday, May 17, 2013

When did the White House KNOW ? - 2nd Obama Term

Lets Get Real: 

Thus folks this does have the smell of Watergate, in 1972 the Nixon White House wanted to keep the Watergate break in away from the Oval and thus stalled through 1972, the story broke a few months in to 1973, that set of the Congressional hearings, in one way the present Oval is safe, the Democrats control the Senate and will try to keep the wolfs, the Republicans from the Oval, but that only lasts as long as there is no emails, texts, phone calls or Morse code from the Oval that tells the IRS to target Tea Party groups.  It has to be stated that this could be civil servants, a rogue group of liberals trying to help Obama,  one can not dismiss that, just this old cynic find that VERY hard to take, its up to the Republicans to find the links, if there are real links.  The targeting of Tea Party groups has the smell of Chicago politics, so underhand its the norm in Chicago, just never been used in such a large scale in D.C.  Even Nixon never went that far, and he want far!  If the Democrats on the Hill get any thoughts that the Oval or the White House was part of this targeting they will run for the hills, 2014 is coming up folks, and politics is politics at the end of the day folks. 

Obama and the IRS - Part Two

Telegraph: Reports the following on the Congressional Investigation of the IRS, " America's taxmen were accused of being "drunk on power" and of lying to Congress as Republicans opened their investigation into the IRS scandal. ".

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks we will have months of investigation in to the IRS, Libya and the US Justice Department taking the records of the AP, the Oval it seems is following the Bill Clinton handbook on scandals, its on the road stressing the economy, good luck with that Oval.  The problem that the Oval has is that this year the IRS will start to enforce ObamaCare, the Obama Administration has asked private companies to spread the positive aspects of ObamaCare, in other words the Oval has failed to close the deal, also there is another problem, the Oval has asked for millions of more dollars so that the IRS can hire inspectors to run ObamaCare, good luck with that Oval.   Then we come to Libya scandal, there are rumours that there are CIA whistle blowers, this could be a massive problem for the Oval, this scandal is the one that could HURT the Oval, there are still questions that the Oval has not answered, the role of President Obama on the night that the US Consulate was burned down and the US Ambassador was killed by terrorists, was the Oval watching TV, having a beer, playing golf, it seems he was not in the loop in those terrible hours, WHO was in charge in the White House.   The AP story will hurt the Oval, the press HATE IT when they come under attack, they know they could be NEXT, thus folks we have months of scandal, this will show how Presidential Obama is, how good a politician, he is another Reagan or Nixon folks. 

Those Obama Blues - 2nd Obama Term

Lets Get Real:

It is simple folks, the Republicans on the Hill have never had time for Obama, while Obama has used Democrats on the Hill as cannon fodder, he has not real interest in their political outlook and it shows, thus we are heading in to the 2014 season, the Republicans can fight for their Conservative base, while Democrats have to tell voters that Obama is no Democratic Richard Nixon, thus do not expect Democratic candidates for the House to have POTUS with them when they campaign, the same goes for the Senate.  Lets look at two Presidents who got in to trouble in their 2nd terms, Ronald Reagan with Iran - Contra and Bill Clinton and his affair, President Reagan was beloved by the American people, but even his polls took a tumble when the scandal broke, like President Obama the Reagan Administration stalled for the first few months, then President Reagan said sorry, the shine had gone off the Reagan Presidency but the Gipper still had enough to have a successful 2nd term on the whole, on the domestic and international front, also Reagan's VP, Bush 41 was elected President, it was seen as Reagan's third term.  In the last Gallup poll of his Presidency Reagan had 63% approval rating.  Thus we come to Bill Clinton, his scandal broke in January and he stalled for eight months, and lied to wife, the Cabinet and the Country, he only came clean in September, but it worked, while he was Impeached he was not thrown out of office, on the other hand Vice - President Gore did not win in 2000 ( lets not get in to Court Battles ) one of the reasons was that during the Campaign Gore could not use Clinton, the scandal was seen as to fresh, thus Clinton did not get  third term, also this was a problem for Hillary Clinton in 2008, people were worried  what the Old Big Dog would get up to again if let lose in the White House.  It should be noted in the last Gallup Poll, Clinton had a 66% approval rating, but his VP had not won.   This folks lets see how the scandals develop and which have legs, D.C and Scandals, fun folk if your a political geek. 

Obama and the IRS - 2nd Term Blues

BBC News: Reports that outgoing IRS Chief Steven Miller has stated that the targeting of Tea Party/Conservative groups was not political. 

Lets Get Real:

Folks having watched the Congressional hearing its fair to say that Mr Miller was a disgrace, to most questions he had no answer or could not recall, the man is either very stupid or he thinks POTUS is going to give him a Presidential Pardon if he keeps his mouth shut.  The acting head of the IRS did not know who had come with the idea to target the Tea Party/Conservative groups, did not seem to understand his job.   If this is the level of the US Civil Service then the US is in trouble.  The very idea that the targeting was not political shows a level of incompetence that should worry US voters, this is the same Government body that will make sure that ALL Americans have bought Medical cover, if the IRS can go after groups and make their lives hell, what will it do people who do not want to buy health care, and the IRS offical in charge of the Department that deal with this issue has been placed in charge of running ObamaCare within the IRS, if that is not dirty Chicago politics then what is, time for the Republicans to follow ALL the trails, also why was President Obama very careful yesterday when asked if any one in the White House had been aware of this problem, the President stated that he had only been aware of the Inspector Generals Report, but that was not the question, is there dirt at the White House folks.  Did the Obama White House no of this problem before the election.