The New York Times: Reports that the US Treasury IG has confirmed that the " ....Obama administration officials were aware of the matter during the presidential campaign year. ".
Lets Get Real:
Thus folks this does have the smell of Watergate, in 1972 the Nixon White House wanted to keep the Watergate break in away from the Oval and thus stalled through 1972, the story broke a few months in to 1973, that set of the Congressional hearings, in one way the present Oval is safe, the Democrats control the Senate and will try to keep the wolfs, the Republicans from the Oval, but that only lasts as long as there is no emails, texts, phone calls or Morse code from the Oval that tells the IRS to target Tea Party groups. It has to be stated that this could be civil servants, a rogue group of liberals trying to help Obama, one can not dismiss that, just this old cynic find that VERY hard to take, its up to the Republicans to find the links, if there are real links. The targeting of Tea Party groups has the smell of Chicago politics, so underhand its the norm in Chicago, just never been used in such a large scale in D.C. Even Nixon never went that far, and he want far! If the Democrats on the Hill get any thoughts that the Oval or the White House was part of this targeting they will run for the hills, 2014 is coming up folks, and politics is politics at the end of the day folks.